스물여섯 - intentions?

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My heart raced as I took a deep breath to steady myself. I walked to Mingyu's office and stood in front of the door.

I hesitated for a moment, my hand hovering over the doorknob. I steeled myself, reminding myself to stay composed. I took a deep breath once again, and turned the knob entering the room.

I stood there, with Shua's words repeating in my head. My presence in the room was well aware to the both of them but they were locked in a passionate embrace, their lips locked together. It felt like a punch to the gut, my heart sinking in disbelief. The sight of them together,  shattered my already fragile emotions.

I stood frozen, my mind reeling, unable to comprehend the scene before me. My throat tightened, and tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over. I felt an overwhelming mix of anger, hurt, and betrayal.

Mingyu finally pulled away from Sohee, her lips curled into a self-assured smirk as soon as she saw me. His eyes met mine, and for a moment, a flicker of remorse crossed his face. But it was quickly replaced by a newfound confidence, as if he had gained the upper hand.

"Sohee, why don't you give us a moment alone?" He said casually, dismissing her as if she were insignificant. She nodded and gave him a quick peck before walking towards me.

"Keep your eyes down bitch, don't try anything just cause I am not around. I'll kill you." She growled into my ear before slamming the door.

I faced towards Mingyu who looked a bit stunned towards Sohee's response, and I walked towards him.
"I must say you found a good match. You both suit each others personalities." I said as I chuckled bitterly.

"Don't you dare y/n. Don't play innocent, you know very well that me and Jun were all friends in high school. God dammit what are you two doing behind my back. You know how much I hated it when he used to act like he was closer to you than I was. How could he betray me like this."

"He didn't betray you at all, Mingyu. I was single and free from your bullshit, so he took advantage of the situation. He did nothing wrong and anyway why do you even care, you have Sohee. You seem to be fulfilling each others desires lately, isn't that what you always wanted. Hm?"

"Y/n don't test me right now." He said as he slammed his hand onto the wall next to me, trapping me underneath.
"Listen y/n, I tried to give you a chance, I searched for you that day when Sohee came here. I told myself, I was being to harsh on you and that I should give you a chance and maybe we could make it work like how it was before. I wanted to say to you I missed you y/n..." he said gently as he caressed my jaw moving his hand slowly to my head. But that feeling of warmth and care was suddenly replaced when I felt a tight grip as he tugged onto my hair.
"But now, I can't stand your ugly face anymore. I am happy with Sohee now, so don't come in my way."

My heart raced as Mingyu's demeanor shifted from gentle to aggressive in an instant. The pain from his grip on my hair intensified, and I winced, trying to pull away from his grasp.

"Mingyu, stop!" I said trying to stay calm. "You're hurting me."

He tightened his grip even more, his eyes burning with anger. "You think I care? You think I have any sympathy left for you? After all the lies and betrayal, you expect me to be gentle? You don't deserve it, y/n."

Tears welled up in my eyes as the reality of the situation sank in. This was not the person I once knew. Gathering all the courage I had left, I mustered a calm voice.

"I never lied to you, Mingyu," I said, my voice steady despite the pain. "And I certainly didn't betray you. Now you chose Sohee, you made it clear that we are done."

Mingyu's grip loosened slightly, but the anger in his eyes remained. "You think you can talk back to me? You think you can justify your actions? Well, let me remind you of all the pain you caused me."

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