삼십일 - Gala

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I quickly changed into a red tight fitted dress and put on some makeup, finishing off with red lipstick. My hair was perfect and wavy.
"Y/nn! Hurry upp!" He said screaming from the living room.
"Waitt! I am coming!" I quickly put on my heels and made my way towards the living room.
"Ok lets go" I said as I stood in front of him. He looked up from his phone and his eyes laid on me.

He looked at me with a mix of shock and admiration and scanned my body from head to toe, taking in every detail of my appearance. He licked his lips and said in a low voice.
"Wow. Uhm I mean, come on, we have to go. We can't be late for the event." He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door.

"Uhm isn't red a bit too bold for this event." He spoke.
I looked back at him as he noticed my glare. "Uhm, I mean everyone will be looking at you."
"So what? What if they are looking at me?" 
"No, I mean. Its fine, don't worry."

"Y/n stay with me. Don't leave my side." He said with a soft voice before turning around.

We walked into the hotel's ballroom, the event was at our hotel so it was convenient. The ballroom was filled with people, all dressed in elegant attire and holding glasses of wine. Mingyu scanned the room and spotted someone he recognized. He smiled and walked towards him, dragging me along.

As Mingyu led me through the crowded ballroom, my heart was pounding in my chest.

I couldn't help but notice the envious glances from some of the women as they looked at Mingyu, and it made me feel even more self-conscious. I wondered if I looked out of place standing next to him.

We approached a man in his early thirties, I tried to compose myself and put on a confident smile.
"Mr Jeon , good evening." Mingyu greeted him warmly.
"Mingyu, good evening to you too." Mr. Jeon replied, shaking his hand.
"I'm glad you could make it. This is a very important event for us."
"I'm sure it is. And this is?" Mr. Jeon asked, looking at me curiously.
"This is my secretary, y/n." Mingyu introduced me, without letting go of my arm.
"Nice to meet you, y/n." He said, nodding at me politely.
"Nice to meet you too, Mr Jeon" I said, forcing a smile.
He looked at Mingyu and raised his eyebrows.
"Your secretary? She's very beautiful."
Mingyu smiled and pulled me closer. "I know she is very beautiful, I uhm am lucky, i guess?"
I widened my eyes as I turned to Mingyu. What is he doing?
"Well I will leave you two, hope you enjoy the rest of the night. Please help yourself to the drinks and food." Mr Jeon said as he shook our hands.
"Will do, thank you" Mingyu replied before turning to me.
"Uhm. Shall we get something to drink." He said before dragging me to the bar.

"Here, have a drink." Mingyu said, handing me a glass of champagne before getting one for himself.
I took the glass from him, but I didn't drink it. I just stared at him.
"Whats wrong with you? You good?" Mingyu said as he shuffled closer to me.
"Mingyu, Are you using me?" I said as I looked at him sincerely.

He looked at me with a hurt expression. "What, use you? I'm not using you, y/n. Why are you saying that?"
"Your always such a dick, and then randomly you decide to be nice all of a sudden. I don't understand you." I bravely let out.

Mingyu sighed and looked away. He took a sip of his champagne and then turned to me again. "Y/n, I'm sorry. I know I've been a jerk to you. I know I've been hurting you ever since you started working for me. But I-I just can't get you out of mind. You randomly show up again and expect me to act normal around you, like everything between us hasn't happened and to be professional. Y/n, look at me when I am talking." He said, his voice sincere and soft as he lifted my head towards him.
"Y/n be honest. Do you like Jun? Are you guys sincerely dating? Don't lie to me. You know I hate it when you lie." He said as he held onto my hand.
"I—I need to go to the toilet. Sorry." I said immediately standing up, leaving him there.

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