스물일곱 - Jeju go go!

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"You take so damn long y/n, this trip is going to be a pain in the ass with you."
I stared at him as I shut the door to his car. "Likewise, not everything is about you, Kim Mingyu."
He rolled his eyes as he leaned in closer towards me. Unexpectedly, his face was in close proximity to mine.
I felt my heart skip a beat as his breath fanned over my face. He smirked as he saw my reaction and reached over me to grab the seatbelt. He pulled it over my chest and clicked it into place, his hand lingering on my waist for a moment. "There, safety first, y/n." He whispered in my ear, making me shiver. He pulled back and started the engine, driving us to the airport.
I tried to calm myself down as I looked out the window. Why did he have to be so annoying and attractive at the same time? We were supposed to be enemies, not... whatever this was.

We arrived at the airport and he parked his car. He got out and left immediately towards his private jet, without grabbing any luggage from the trunk. "This idiot."
I got out of the car and walked towards the trunk as I opened it. "Ya Mingyu! The luggage!" I shouted across so he can hear me.
"Get it yourself! Your my secretary remember? Now hurry up!" He shouted back as he made his way sassily into his own private jet.
"Ugh, I am a secretary not your slave" I mumbled under my breath as I struggled to pick up both our luggages.

A tall man approached me with a friendly smile. He was wearing a pilot uniform and had a name tag that said 'Lee Seokmin'. "Hi Mrs Kim, I see you need some help over there." He said, pointing at the luggage. "Can I give you a hand?"

I looked at him in surprise and felt a blush creep up on my cheeks. He was handsome, with bright eyes and a charming smile. He looked like the opposite of Mingyu, who was cold and arrogant. "Oh, thank you, but I'm not Mrs Kim. I'm just his secretary." I said, trying to sound polite.

He raised his eyebrows and chuckled. "Really? You don't look like a secretary. You look like a model." He said, making me blush harder. He took one of the suitcases from me and started walking towards the jet. "Come on, let's go. The boss is waiting for us."

I followed him, feeling confused and flattered. Who was this guy? And why was he being so nice to me? I didn't know what to think.
We reached the jet and he put the suitcase inside. He turned to me and smiled again. "By the way, I'm Seokmin. I'm the co-pilot of this flight." He said, extending his hand. "And you are?"
I shook his hand and felt a spark run through me. His hand was warm and soft, unlike Mingyu's, which was cold and rough. "I'm y/n. Nice to meet you, Seokmin." I said, smiling back.

He nodded and leaned in closer to me. He lowered his voice and whispered in my ear. "Nice to meet you too, y/n. You're very beautiful, you know that?" He said, making me gasp.
I pulled away and looked at him in shock. He winked at me and walked away, leaving me speechless.
What was that? Did he just hit on me? Was he crazy?
I shook my head and tried to forget what just happened. I grabbed the other suitcase and walked into the jet.
I saw Mingyu sitting on one of the seats, looking bored. He glanced at me and rolled his eyes. "Took you long enough, y/n. What were you doing out there? Flirting with the pilot?" He asked sarcastically.

I felt my face heat up and clenched my teeth. How did he know? Did he see us?
I ignored him and put the suitcase away. I sat down on the seat next to him and crossed my arms.
"What are you doing?" Mingyu said as he looked to the side.
"Get away from me. Your invading my personal space and just so you know I have a girlfriend so watch your distance." I scoffed at his stupid response and picked up my bag before throwing it on the seat on the other side of the plane.

The jet took off and it felt kind of exciting. I had never been on a private jet before, let alone to Jeju.
Mingyu didn't really discuss yet where we are going but just said I had to follow his orders and look pretty.

I sighed and looked out the window. The sky was clear and blue, and I could see the clouds below us.
It was beautiful, but I felt lonely and bored. Mingyu didn't talk to me at all, he just stared at his laptop and typed away. He didn't even offer me a drink or a snack. I got out my book from my bag instead to help pass time.

I was halfway through the book when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and saw Seokmin standing in front of me. He was wearing a white shirt and black pants, his uniform was off and he had a friendly smile on his face. "Hi, y/n. Do you mind if I join you?" He asked, pointing to the seat next to me.
I hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Sure, go ahead." I said, closing the book and putting it on my lap. "Um aren't you supposed to be flying the plane?"

He chuckled when he saw my confused face as he sat down and leaned back, crossing his legs. "We have another co-pilot on board don't worry"
He looked at me with curiosity and interest. "So, what are you reading?" He asked, glancing at the book cover. I felt a blush creep up my cheeks. The book was called Twisted Love by Ana Huang, and it was a steamy romance novel about a girl who falls in love with a cold-hearted man. But I was too embarrassed to let him know that.  " just some...fiction." I said vaguely, hoping he would drop the subject. He raised his eyebrows and smiled.
"Fiction, huh? What kind of fiction?" He asked, leaning closer to me. He reached for the book and flipped it open. He read the blurb on the back and his eyes widened. He looked at me with amusement and teasing. "Wow, y/n. You have a very. interesting taste in books." He said, chuckling. I snatched the book from his hands and hid it behind my back. "Oh god. This is so embarrassing." I said as I hid my face in the book.
"You know what would you need right now while reading that book." I looked at him puzzled while he stood up from his seat. "I'll be right back" I nodded in response.
I turned around to see what Mingyu was up to in the mean time, but was surprised to see him looking at me. He turned his face back to his laptop after rolling his eyes at me. Weirdo.

"Djangg!" Seokmin said excitedly as he was holding a tray with two glasses of champagne and a bowl of strawberries. He smiled at me and walked towards me.
"That book and these refreshments surely are the best combination" He said, putting the tray on the table in front of me.

I smiled back and thanked him. He poured me a glass of champagne and handed it to me. He did the same for Mingyu, who barely looked up from his laptop.
"Cheers." Seokmin said, raising his glass. I clinked my glass with his and took a sip. The champagne was sweet and bubbly, and it made me feel warm inside.
Seokmin sat down next to me and picked up a strawberry. He held it in front of my mouth and said,
"Here, have one. They're delicious!
I opened my mouth and bit into the strawberry. It was juicy and sweet, and it made me moan softly.
I was so hungry, my action made me so embarrassed of myself. "I am so sorry, that was so uncalled for."
Seokmin smiled and leaned closer to me. He licked his lips and said, "You have some juice on your chin. Let me get that for you."

He moved his face towards and..
"Excuse me, I am only 26 I don't want to die just because my co-pilot is at the back pissing about with my secretary." Mingyu said as he stuck his hand out in between our faces. "If you could please leave, it would be much appreciated." 
Seokmin looked at me as smiled faintly before getting up. "I am so sorry sir. I will get back to the cockpit. My apologies once again."
He looked at me one last time before bowing and I gave him a reassuring smile back.
I looked at the side and saw Mingyu unexpectedly seated next to me. "What" he said.
"I thought I was invading your privacy. What's going on now?"
He suddenly put his finger on my mouth shutting me up. "Shush." He traced his finger on my lip, wiping off the juice from the strawberry on the corners of my lip. I felt his gaze on me and it felt weirdly nice. He returned back on his seat and licked his finger, making me gasp in response.
"Mmm tasty." He said as he opened his laptop and got back to his work like nothing just happened.

What is wrong with this guy.
I decided to sleep for the rest of the journey because it would only be awkward if I stay idle next to him. I closed my eyes and sleep took over me.

Mingyu's Pov:
I took a break from my work and looked next to me to see y/n asleep. She looked cute with her nose scrunched up and her lips plumped up.  "You look so pretty" I mumbled under my breath.
I was too in my thoughts when I heard a notification. I looked down to see if it was my phone, but it wasn't. It was y/n's phone. Her phone was on her lap and I managed to sneakily take it without waking her up. I turned her phone on to see what it was.

Jay 😎💞 - y/nnnn where are you!! I miss you! Its so boring at the restaurant without you. Come back noww.

"Jay? You have got to be kidding me" I said as I gritted my teeth turning towards to look at her.

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