스물아홉 - Feels like home

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I woke up feeling warm and cozy. I stretched my arms and legs and opened my eyes. I was surprised to see that I was not on the couch, but on the bed. "Why the hell am I on his bed". I gasped and sat up, looking around. How did I get here? The last thing I remembered was falling asleep on the couch after Mingyu locked me out of the bedroom. Did he...did he carry me here in the middle of the night? " tsk you act like an idiot and do this type of stuff after. Ugh, bipolar." I mumbled as I got out of his perfume scented sheets.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 9 am. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I changed into a simple long floral white dress, and let my hair out. I put on some makeup and perfume, and checked myself in the mirror. I looked decent enough, I guess. I grabbed my phone and wallet, and headed to the living room.

Mingyu was already there, waiting for me. He was wearing a white shirt and denim wide leg pants, and had a backpack on his shoulder. He looked handsome as always, but also annoyed as always. He glanced at me and frowned.
"You're finally awake." he said, sarcastically.

"Good morning to you too." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Come on, let's go. We have a car waiting for us outside." he said while heading out.

"What about breakfast?" I asked, feeling hungry. "We'll eat on the way." he said, dragging me out of the door.

"So where are we going?" I asked as I turned to face him once clicking my seatbelt.
"We are heading to a small village in the countryside, hopefully we can meet some local elders who know how to make traditional Korean dishes with fresh ingredients from their farms and gardens. We need to go to research for our company's new food product launch"
"Okay let's go!" I said excitedly.

He smiled and started the car, driving out of the hotel parking lot and onto the road. He turned on the radio and tuned it to a music station and started to hum along to the songs that played, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. He looked relaxed and happy, unlike his usual self. I wondered what made him change his mood.

We drove for about an hour, passing by fields and mountains and trees. The view was beautiful and peaceful. I felt a sense of calmness and wonder. I rolled down the window and let the breeze blow through my hair. I breathed in the fresh air and smiled. I loved being in nature. It made me feel alive and free.

"It feels nice escaping Seoul. It's so peaceful here. I might move out here if things get to hectic for me."
I said unknowingly breaking the silence.

He glanced at me and nodded. "I know what you mean but you will be alone here, what will you do."

I turned to him as I spoke. "I know someone here actually, he helped me move to Seoul when my parents passed away."

Suddenly, I felt Mingyu's eyes turn to me as he looked at me with pity. "Y-y/n, why didn't you tell me? I am so sorry, I wasn't there for you. If you don't mind, what happened?"

"Car accident. It was a lorry, the driver was drunk and yeh..."  I could feel the tears emerging in my eyes as I looked out the window. I suddenly felt warmth as he unexpectedly reached for my hand. He held it gently and looked at me with sympathy. After a few seconds of silence, he slightly coughed before glancing at me again. "Uhh, who is he?"
I turned my attention back to Mingyu who seemed to be avoiding eye contact. "Who is who?" I replied back confused.
"The guy who helped you move to Seoul."
'Ahh him—oh wait I think we reached look" He turned his attention to the road after giving me a quick glance. I felt his hand pull out of mine as he parked his car to the side.

We got out and stretched our legs and arms and looked around. We saw some houses and shops and people. They all looked quaint and friendly. We smiled and waved at them.
"Aiyoo what are you two beautiful youngsters doing over here" An older lady approached us as she grabbed onto my arm.
"We are here to see Mrs Kim's kitchen, I heard its the best homemade food over here" I said politely.
"Omo, please come she's waiting for you at her house." She informed us kindly.
"Thank you halmeoni." I thanked her gratefully.
"You're welcome." She said cheerfullv as she held my arm leading us to the place.

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