삼십육 - Scared to love you

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*long chapter ahead guys, hope you enjoy it ❤️*

Jun-ho's pov:
I arrived at the bar 10 minutes later than expected. On the way, I was really curious to why Mingyu had unexpectedly messaged to meet me. I wondered what had happened because his text would of been more clear if it was work related.

As I walked inside the dimly lit ambiance, I noticed Mingyu sitting there with an empty glass in front of him. He looked disheveled and worn out, his eyes red from crying. What was going on? Am I supposed to be here?
"Hey Mingyu, you good man? It's me Jun-ho. You texted me to come here. " I asked, taking a seat beside him.

Mingyu looked up, his eyes filled with tears. "Its about y/n. I messed up. I messed up so bad. I didn't know who to call over here, so I called you. I am sorry if im burdening you right now."
"Its okay man, your not burdening me. I am glad you called me. Don't worry you can rant to me. Whats up."

As Mingyu chugged another drink down he suddenly blurted out something that took me by surprise.

Mingyu hesitated before continuing, "I screamed at her, telling her that she should leave and never come back. That I didn't want to see her face ever again. I told her that all she did was cause problems in my life. I am so fucking stupid."

I felt a pang of sadness for him. That was a harsh thing to say to someone he loved.

"Why on earth would you do that?" I asked calmly.

Mingyu looked down at his hands, "I d-don't know. I was so bloody angry and I wanted her to leave me alone. But now I regret it all."

I put a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry man. But seriously what can make you that angry to scream at her like that. Mingyu, that wasn't the right thing to do."

Mingyu shook his head, "a few days before, she had finally spilled the truth about why she ditched me in high school. She said she pretended to cheat on me, to protect herself. To protect me. From this girl who did terribly awful things to her. That same girl is my 'girlfriend' right now."

"I am sorry what? Woah. Wait. Let me just process everything you just said. Your kidding right, right?"

He shook his head while pouting. "I dated her to make y/n jealous. But it didn't work in my favour at all. It just made things worse between  us."

Mingyu looked up at me, tears still falling down his face, "Its hard to believe that I did that. But I know that I need to try and make things right. I can't let her go like this."

He slammed his head on his arm on the table , as he faced towards me. "I miss her, man. I really miss her."

I let out a deep breath and tried to comfort him. "I know you do. But you can't keep crying like a baby. It's not going to bring her back."

Mingyu pouted like a child, "But I can't help it. She was everything to me. And now she's gone. She says she quit working for me as well. How am I going to ever see her or find her. She even told me not to look for. What do I doo" he said as he hiccuped and sobbed in between each word.

I sighed and patted his back. "You're acting like a baby right now, Mingyu. You need to man up and face your problems head-on. Crying won't solve anything."

Mingyu huffed, "Easy for you to say. You're not the one who lost the love of your life."

I sighed, "Look, I know it's tough. But you need to focus on a solution. Drinking and crying won't bring her back."

Just then, a girl walked by the bar and I knew it was going to be trouble. Mingyu did a double-take, mistaking the girl for y/n.

"Y/n?" he called out, his voice cracking. He stood up and walked towards the girl and pulled her into a hug.
"Y/nn, w-why did you leave me. Do you even realise how much I missed you. Please come back to me. I promise I will take good care of you. I promise y/n. I love you."

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