스물넷 - double date

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"Jun, I am hungry. Shall we get some food. Hm?" I asked him as I leaned over to his desk. I noticed that Sohee wasn't sitting next to him and weirdly I didn't see her the whole morning.
"Yeh, not going to lie, I am actually starving..lets go" he said as he looked over to me staring at Sohee's desk.

"Y/n, I know what your thinking and I was thinking the same as well. I actually haven't seen her this whole morning. Did she even come in?" He said as he looked over to me confused.
"I don't know, its so unlike her. Thinking about it now, I haven't seen Mingyu either."
All of a sudden Jun held my wrist tight and signalled with his eyes to look behind. "Dammit y/n, speaking of the devil."

I tilted my head as I turned around. There she was. But she wasn't alone. Mingyu was standing next to her with her arm linked around his. What. The. Fuck?
As Mingyu was coming towards us, his eyes laid on my confused ones. He smirked after gaining my attention and wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek, making sure that I saw them. Sohee giggled and snuggled closer to him.

You must be kidding me.

"Good morning, everyone," Mingyu announced loudly. " You guys are working hard, but I wanted to make a quick announcement. This is Sohee, my girlfriend. Isn't she beautiful? I hope you all treat her well she just joined here."
The other employees murmured their greetings and compliments, but I just remained silent. I clenched my jaw and looked away, feeling a surge of anger and sadness. I hate to admit but I somehow despised seeing Mingyu with another woman, especially that woman being Sohee.
I wished I could tell him the truth, that I am only fake dating Jun to make him jealous, that I still loved him more than anything.
But I was too proud and stubborn to admit it. I had been hurt by Mingyu enough, I thought I could make him suffer for a while. I thought he was just making excuses, that he didn't care about me at all. I just wanted to prove him wrong, to show him what he was missing. But clearly, he had different plans.

I was not going to let myself be affected by his stupid games. If this is how he wants to play it, then game on.

I walked over to Jun's desk as everyone started to return back to their seats. I smiled seductively at him and  leaned over as I whispered something in his ear, making him laugh.
Jun played along with my game, enjoying the attention. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead, making me blush.
"Y/n, babe," Jun said loudly. "Shall we go out for lunch today? I know a great place nearby."
"Sure,"  I said sweetly. "That sounds lovely."

3rd Person pov:
They got up and walked towards the elevator, ignoring the stares of their coworkers. Mingyu watched them with a dark expression, feeling a surge of jealousy and frustration. He hated seeing y/n with another man, especially that someone being Jun, he remembered how their friendship nearly broke because he used to get jealous whenever he used to get touchy with y/n. He wished he could stop them, to tell them the truth, that he is only dating Sohee to make y/n jealous and that he was frustrated to see her move on, that he still loved her more than anything. But he thought maybe this could be a way to move on and forget her.

But he was too proud and stubborn to admit it.

He decided to make them jealous by taking Sohee out for lunch as well. He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the elevator, catching up with y/n and Jun.
"Hey, guys," Mingyu said casually. "We're going out for lunch too. Mind if we join you?"
Y/n and Jun exchanged a look of annoyance and disbelief. They didn't want to spend their lunch with Mingyu and Sohee, but they couldn't refuse without being rude.
"Sure," y/n said coldly. "The more the merrier."

They got into the elevator together, creating an awkward silence. Mingyu made eye contact with y/n as they awkwardly avoided each others eyes immediately. Sohee noticed and wrapped her arm around Mingyu pulling him closer to her. Y/n weirdly noticed how seemingly uncomfortable Mingyu looked but turned away from there in denial thinking it was only because she was around him.

The four of them walked out of the building and headed towards a nearby restaurant. They sat at a table for four, with Mingyu and Sohee on one side and y/n and Jun on the other.
They ordered their food and drinks, trying to act normal, but they couldn't hide their tension and resentment.

Mingyu's Pov
"Baby, why is it taking so long, I am hungry" Sohee said as she whined at me. She was being really clingy and annoying, but I had to play along.

"Don't worry, it will be here soon. I don't want my baby to starve" I said as I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. I shifted my eyes onto y/n who looked at me with a straight face as she sighed and shifted her body towards Jun. She whispered something into his ear which peaked my curiosity. He responded by nodding and suddenly pulled her seat closer towards him. I rolled my eyes in response, it was starting to irritate me but I didn't want to show it.  A few minutes later, Jun and y/n's food came as we kept waiting for us.

"Babe, where is my fucking food. I want it now, how come they have got their food before us. Do something. Do they know who I am, one call to my dad and he can sue this stupid restaraunt" she retorted again. But this time it was starting to get on my nerves.

"Sohee, can you please stop whining? The food will be here soon." I said softly, trying to sound patient.
"But I'm hungry, Mingyu. And you're not paying attention to me." She pouted, clinging to my arm.
"Of course I'm paying attention to you, Sohee. You're so hard to ignore." I said, rolling my eyes.
"Really? Then why are you looking at that bitch?" She accused, pointing at y/n who scoffed while opening her mouth to respond but was stopped by Jun.
"What? No, I'm not. Why would I look at her?" I denied, feeling guilty.
"Because you still love her. Don't you?" She asked, narrowing her eyes.
"Of course not. I love you, Sohee. You're my girlfriend and plus my standards are not that low " I said, hoping she would buy it.
"Then prove it. Kiss me." She demanded, leaning in.
I hesitated, feeling uncomfortable. I glanced at y/n, who was watching us with a bored expression. I wondered if she was amused, if she was enjoying this.

I leaned in and kissed Sohee, hoping to make y/n jealous. But it didn't feel right. It felt like a chore.
I pulled away and looked at y/n again, hoping to see a reaction. But she didn't seem to care. She turned to Jun with a spoonful of fried rice and fed him some it while wiping his mouth after. 
I felt a surge of anger and frustration. I wanted to stop them. They looked more genuine, then Sohee and I. Which was what I despised the most.
So I kissed Sohee again, trying to forget y/n.
But I couldn't. I couldn't forget her.

Y/n's pov:
It was about time their stupid food came. I couldn't stand her whining every second. At this point, I pity for Mingyu. How is he even dealing with a girl like her. All that drama she created for her food to come and she only had three bites. I couldn't deal with this anymore.
I continued finishing my food as quick as possible to get out of here, when I suddenly choked on my food as I felt a sharp heel pierce into my foot. I patted my chest, trying to calm myself down.
"Y/n! Are you okay!" Jun said quickly patting my back.
My eyes started to tear up from the intense choking. I caught a glimpse of Mingyu quickly raising from his seat to try and intervene. He looked surprisingly panicked.
"Y-y/n, drink some water quickly" his eyes were full of worry as he gripped onto his glass of water in front of him.

I pulled out my hand as I tried to reach for the glass but it was instantly snatched away by Sohee. That bitch. She gulped it down within seconds as the water started to dribble down her chin. She slammed it down on the table, panting for breath.
"Damn—I was so—thirsty. I feel better now." She said as she leaned back in her chair and smirked at me.
I started to settle down as Jun gave me his water.
"Come on y/n. Lets get out of here. I can't stand it any longer around childish and immature people. Let's go" Jun said as he grabbed my wrist dragging me out of the restaraunt.

Mingyu's pov:
"Seriously, Sohee that was so uncalled for. I am disappointed in you."
She looked at me with her wide eyes, shocked from my statement.
"What is wrong with you Mingyu. Come back to your senses. Stop defending her. Its not my fault she choked on her food and plus she has a boyfriend he can take care of her. Why are you intervening. Idiot."
I looked at her in disbelief as I distanced myself from her a little.
"What. Don't look at me like that. I am innocent." She stood up from her seat and flung her bag over her shoulder. She stepped towards the door and turned back.
"What are you doing? Go pay the bill. I will be waiting near the car." was the last thing she said as she strutted outside with her loud pointed heels.

Mingyu, you idiot. What did you get yourself into.

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