사십 - night to remember

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"I hope you like it. And remember, tonight is only for us. After before, I want to show you that this body of yours, only belongs to me."  He whispered and gave me a passionate kiss.

He brought the glass to his mouth and drank some of the champagne. He placed the glass down and smiled at me seductively before taking off his shirt. I gulped and licked my lips as I fell back on the bed.

My gaze slowly drifted over his abs, then down to his pecks, then his chest. He smiled widely at me when he realized that I liked what I was looking at. I blushed slightly and avoided eye contact with him, turning my head.

"Baby, come here. Let me take care of you" he said seductively in a husky tone.

I looked at him with narrowed eyes and blushed again. But before I could say anything else he leaned closer and kissed me gently on the lips.

When our lips parted, he licked his lips and kissed my neck, biting it lightly. I bit my lip and moaned. He continued kissing my neck until he reached my collar bone. Then he moved lower, pressing his body against mine as he kissed my belly button. I gasped and arched my back in pleasure.

As his kisses traveled further down, he stopped and kissed between my thighs. My breathing increased rapidly and I couldn't help but moan loudly.

"How wet do you get for me baby?" He whispered into my ear and slipped his fingers inside me, stroking my clit as he started licking me.

He pulled his fingers out and pushed his face into my folds. I let out another loud moan as his tongue went deep inside me. I didn't think I would ever feel so much pleasure in one place. I let out another moan and grabbed his hair pulling him deeper into me. I let go of his hair and gripped his shoulders hard. He kissed me harder as his finger penetrated me deeply. I wrapped my legs around his head as he started moving faster and faster.

When I thought I couldn't handle any more of the pleasure, I felt his teeth nibbling my clit sending waves of pleasure through my body. His finger started moving in and out of me in a quick rhythm. It sent me even higher, closer to the edge. He put his thumb on my clit and pinched it.

"Mingyu...oh god" I screamed loudly.

He continued sucking on my clit as his finger slid in and out of me. I bit my lip trying not to scream or cry out anymore.

When he took his mouth away from my clit, I was at my climax. "Cum for me baby" he said in a husky voice, his tone getting deeper as he drove his finger deeper into me. I couldn't hold on any longer.

I cried out and held onto him tightly as my orgasm overtook me. I fell back on the pillow after letting out several moans. We were both gasping for air as my stomach was raising up and down.

When my breathing returned to normal, he lowered himself down next to me.

He kissed my forehead and sighed. "Thank you baby" he said softly.

I giggled and kissed him gently on the lips. "My turn now". I pulled myself up to my knees and pulled off my dress leaving in me in my bra only. Mingyu sat up and pulled off his pants quickly, revealing his naked body to me. He then quickly unclipped my bra and caressed my breasts, massaging it gently.

We stood there staring at each other for a few seconds. "Hard this quickly?" I told him.

He chuckled and cupped my breasts. "Because of you" He said while giving them a gentle squeeze.

I rolled my eyes playfully at him, quickly straddling him as I ran my hands through his hair and down his back. He groaned and closed his eyes as I pressed my hips down on top of him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close kissing my lips again. I let out a soft moan while my mouth was getting devoured as I positioned myself on his and started riding him slowly.

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