사십육 - did me wrong

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I stared at the message that was left seen by Mingyu. Its 12pm and he still hasn't come home. I looked up from the couch and stared at the food on the dining table that was already cold by now.

Just as I was about to call him again, I heard a soft knock on the door.


I walked to the front door and opened it. Mingyu stood in front of me with an expressionless face. He look tired, really tired.

"Why did it take so long? Is everything all right? You look so tired. " I asked him gently as I pulled off his coat as he walked in.

He just stared back at me silently. "What happened? Are you ok?" I looked up at him anxiously as he sat down beside me on the couch.

"I am tired. I am going to bed." He said quickly before standing up and going to the bedroom. I could hear his quiet steps walking away. I got up from the couch to go after him. "Mingyu wait... Can you tell me what happened? Did you sort things out? We can get married right?". I called out to him but he didn't stop or turn around. I tried my best to open the door quietly.

He didn't even bother to change, he just fell on the bed and went under the covers with his tight clothes. "Mingyu?" I tried calling out to him. But he didn't answer. "What's wrong? Why are you acting like this? At least change, your going to feel uncomfortable sleeping in this." I continued pleading for his attention. But still, he didn't move. "I want to marry you y/n.. please." He whispered.

But he didn't say anything more. He just fell deep into sleep. He is probably tired dealing with the entire thing, which made me feel a bit bad.

I unbuttoned his tight fitted shirt and pulled it off his shoulder gently, trying not to wake him up. I brushed his hair back and pulled the covers on him. I laid beside him and stared at his exhausted face. He needed some rest, I guess, after everything happening lately. He deserved to have some peace and I want to be there for him when he needs me the most. I smiled at him sleeping in peace and found myself falling asleep next to him.

Next day.

I walked into Mingyu's office quickly without even knocking. "Ya! Why did you leave without me in the morning. Huh!?" I yelled at him angrily. He just stayed silent on me for a few seconds and continued typing something on his computer.

"Y/n, I had some urgent work. Please understand." He said not even bothering to look up.

"Are you serious right now. I mean you came back home yesterday and you were tired but you could of at least woke me up in the morning with you. You still haven't even told me what's going on. What happened yesterday?" I scolded him harshly. I think I was being a little harsh but its been awhile since I saw him angry.

"You should probably know. It's better if you don't see me upset." He said. That didn't make any sense. Wasn't it better if we talked about these things? Didn't he want us to talk about this? My heart felt heavy knowing that Mingyu is holding onto something.

"What are you trying to say. You don't want to get married to me right. Thats what it is. Isn't it?" I said quietly.

Mingyu closed his eyes and leaned his head back in his chair. "Y/n that's not what it is. Please, I love you okay? But I just need you to give me some time, to deal with a few things and get my head around a few things. Please understand, y/n." He said. He then stood up and got out some food from a bag on the side of his table and walked towards me.

"I got us some food. Come on, lets eat." He smiled at me while he sat down opposite to me and ate his food quietly while staring at me. He looks exhausted, maybe he hasn't slept well last night.

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