열넷 - Clubbing

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"Um so you are Wooyoung right?"
"Ahh yehh, I am Jis—Joshua's bestfriend. We know each other for a long time. Don't worry Joshua, is on his way. He was running a bit late because he had to pick his bike up from the garage."
I looked at Wooyoung suprisingly. "Joshua rides a bike. Are you for real."
"Yehh he does. He loves riding bikes, its his only mode of transport nowadays."
"But the other day he dropped me off by car?"
"Ahh at work he goes by car, but when he is off work. He is like a different person. Trust me he is noth-"

As Wooyoung was talking he got cut off by the noise of a bike screeching in front of us.
There he was. His tall and lean body steps off the bike, as he makes his way towards us. I couldn't take my eyes of his chiseled jawline and piercing eyes that screamed bad boy. His hair was styled in a messy, windswept way, as though he just took off his helmet. His leather jacket that fit him snugly, with a black t-shirt underneath that stuck onto his toned chest. Woah, Wooyoung was right. He really does look like a different person out of work and off formal wear.

As he made his way over to me, he caught my eye and flashed me a smile which surprisingly made my heart skip a beat. I couldn't help but blush and look away, but he didn't let that deter him. Instead, he leaned in a little closer and spoke to me in a low voice "y/n you are looking really beautiful tonight"
I laughed softly and lifted my head making my eyes remain on his glowing ones. "Thank you, I must say you really look different to the Shua I know. Is this your secret identity"
He chuckled at my words and stepped back showing his fit off. " I must say, the more you get to know me, the more you will be surprised. Soo maybe you should, you know—"
I really wasn't aware that Joshua was always this smooth, it was hard not to be charmed by him right now.

After a few minutes, I heard more revving of bikes as they pulled up in front of us. I looked at Shua and back at the boys who got off and shook hands with him. I pulled Joshua to the side and held onto his arm tightly.
"Ya Shua, when I said the more the better, I didn't mean your entire friend group thats all boys"
Joshua looked at my panicked face as I stared at his friends in front of us near their bikes.
"Y/n don't worry, my friends over here are like my brothers. Don't worry, they won't do anything, they are family. If you still feel uncomfortable, we can go somewhere else if you want?"
"No-no its fine. I don't want to back out now."
"Don't worry, let me introduce them to you. By the way this is my best mate, Wooyoung as you probably met before of course. Ahh and there he his. Ya Hoshi-ah come here. Look y/n's here."

Hoshi ran up to me and hugged me tightly.
"Yaa-I can't breathe"
"Y/nn I have hardly seen you nowadays. How are youu. How's Mingyu. Whats been happening between you two."
"Huh? What do you mean" I said as I looked at him confused.
"Have you guys talked recently, you know about —" he gestured with his hands
"What. Oh God —Hoshi. Did he not tell you how big of a dick he is acting towards me?"
He awkwardly chuckled and looked at me innocently. "Hehe. Anyway lets gooo and get drunkk"
Joshua glared at him and held my arm gently leading us in. Whats going on.
We made our way inside the club, the pulsating beat of the music reverberated through the walls, and I could feel the bass thumping in my chest.
The air was thick with the scent of perfume and alcohol, and the room was alive with the energy of the crowd. Bodies pressed together on the dance floor, moving in time with the music. The lights overhead flashed and swirled, casting bright splashes of color across the room. I was caught up in its euphoric embrace.

As I made my way through the crowd following the lead from Joshua, I could feel the excitement building within me. This was my escape, my chance to forget about the stresses of the day and just let loose. Time to forget Mingyu. We went to the bar and chugged down shots instantly without even thinking.  The music grew louder, the lights more intense, and I felt myself being swept away by the pulsing beat. It was like nothing else existed in that moment except for the music and the people around me.
I closed my eyes and let the rhythm wash over me, allowing myself to get lost in the moment. For a brief time, I was free from the worries and responsibilities of the real world, and all that mattered was the feeling of pure, unadulterated joy that filled my soul. Joshua started swaying his body in front of me as he brought me into the middle of the crowd. I could feel the tension rising between us every time he looked me in my eyes, he kept finding little ways to touch me, like brushing my arm or resting his hand on the small of my back. Each time, he did that I felt a little thrill run through me, and it was clear that he was enjoying the effect he was having on me. I don't know if it was because we were drunk and if its my way to forget Mingyu or I genuinely found something in him, that I could take things further.

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