꒰ ͜͡➸ when they realized they had feelings for you

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- he didn't. dew did.
- well.. kind of.
- at first, rain thought he just really wanted to be friends with you, but as time when on, and he introduced you to the rest of the ghouls? they knew he was falling hard.
- the ghoulettes wanted rain to figure it out for himself, somehow managing to convince everyone else that it was best for rain. well, everyone but dew.
- the fire ghoul listened to one certain conversation and knew—he just knew—that rain had to realize then and there his feelings for you.

you and rain laughed with one another, your head rested on the water ghoul's lap. rain was running his clawed fingers through your hair, smiling down at you as you both conversed at another party the ghouls had thrown.

"so," you started, not exactly thinking completely straight due to the few drinks you'd had. "are you into any ghoulettes?" you asked. rain froze, caught off guard.

"no. i don't think so." rain eventually answered. "you don't think so? how do you not know if you're into someone or not?" you laughed, rain noticing a sparkle in your eyes, his stomach churning as he did so.

"i dunno," rain laughed. "i guess i'm not sure what it feels like to like someone like that." rain shrugged. you looked up at him, smiling softly as you made eye contact with his bright blue eyes.

"well," you started in a matter-of-fact voice, "you'll, like, always be thinking about them." you grinned. immediately, your name came to rain's mind. "and you probably just thought of them just now." you stated, acting like you knew everything about love.

rain rose a brow, curious as to how you knew he just thought of someone.. thought of you.

"you'll obviously like to hang out with them and be near them all the time. you don't seem to mind touching me so you'll probably like physical contact too." you shrugged, tilting your nose to the ceiling as you closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of rain's fingers gliding over your scalp.

"you probably listen to every single thing they say, giving them your undivided attention. i assume you'd smile to yourself whenever they come into the room. it's just little things like that." you explained, shrugging at the end.

rain went over everything in his mind, checking the boxes as he thought of times that he had experienced everything you just explained because of you.

"and most people wake up thinking about someone they like." you finished.

rain's heart dropped to the floor yet also started soaring, his eyes wide as his jaw dropped slightly.

he likes you.


rain likes you.

oh my satan.

you laughed to yourself, getting up out of rain's lap and kissing him on the cheek. "let me know if you think of anyone! i'd love to set you up~" you teased, laughing as you walked away to find f/n.

"you like her." dew stated, seemingly appearing next to the water ghoul. rain swallowed harshly, a furious blush covering his cheeks.

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