꒰ ͜͡➸ rituals that go wrong end up in flames

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- dew:)

- fluff-ish

- 1370 words!

- requested by
@/xaylynnx !!


i looked up as the door to the tour bus opened, watching aether, mountain, and rain walk in with unreadable looks on their faces.

this show was one of their biggest and i knew all the ghouls were worried for how it would go, so their not very excited attitude was worrying to say the least.

"oh no, what happened?" i asked, moving to sit on the edge of the couch cushion.

"prepare for dew.." aether trailed off. "he is not happy." mountain cringed, walking to the shower. i looked at rain, going to ask what happened but the tour bus door slamming open stopped me.

rain jumped away from the door, shuffling over to me as dew came storming in, going straight for the bunks as swiss stumbled in after him. i stood up, meeting rain halfway in the living room of the bus.

"satanas, swiss, what did you say?" rain asked. "i just tried to get him to calm down! it just pissed him off more, though." swiss sighed, walking over to rain and i.

"what happened with him?" i asked. "his guitar was acting up all show," swiss answered briefly, rain continuing as they both looked at me.

"it buffered or something right before his faith solo. he was seething." rain cringed, swiss nodded. "yeah, the stage felt like fire and he was all the way away from me." swiss confirmed. "i had to put out a fire his tail set on mountain's stairs." rain mumbled, slipping his hand under his mask and rubbing his eye.

"his tail was out?" i asked, my eyes wide. rain nodded. "yeah. i knew the show was fucked when i saw his eyes go red when he was over by sunshine." swiss shuddered. i jumped as a loud crash was heard from the bunks.

"he won't fuck with our stuff, right?" cirrus asked as she and the other ghoulettes stepped onto the bus. i shook my head.

"no, he respects you guys. your bunks might be a bit disheveled but i'll get him to clean everything once he's calmer." i sighed, rubbing my arm.

"i still can't believe you can calm him down like that." aether sighed from the couch. i looked over, seeing him drinking some kind of alcohol.

"oh, shit, you're drinking? was it seriously that awful?" i asked, my eyes wide. i knee dew could get bad but i didn't think he would unmask that much on stage in front of a bunch of fans.

"yes." mountain deadpanned, his head down on the bar as his tail swayed in an agitated state.

rain jumped as an even louder crash sounded.

"should someone go in there?" sunshine asked as copia walked onto the bus. "no. he is too angry and y/n is the only one who can calm him. it's too dangerous for her." copia stated. "he wouldn't hurt her, though." cumulus cut in. copia looked at the air ghoulette with a pointed look.

another crash sounded, followed by a slightly muffled, yet still loud, "FUCK!"

everyone in the main room of the bus paused then looked at me.

"yeah, i'm going in there." i stated, tossing my phone down and walking to the bunks. i stepped into the hallway, closing the hall door behind me.

i knocked gently on the bunk door, a low growl sounding before a series of noises of shit moving around and stumbling feet.

the bunk door swung open, dew growling lowly before his angry expression dropped as he saw me.

"i-i'm sorry, angel. i didn't mean t-" dew began, though he stopped talking as i shook my head. "can i come in?" i asked. dew glanced behind himself before looking back at me.

"it's really messy.." dew mumbled. i smiled, kissing dew's cheek. "it's okay. i'm here to help you." i whispered. dew paused before nodding, stepping out of the way.

i looked around as i stepped into the bunks, dew closing the door.

he was right. it was a huge mess.

all of the clothes that dew and i had packed were thrown around the room, the bedding from a few bunks was strewn about as well. there were a few of dew's books, notebooks, and sketchbooks scattered around.

"are you still upset?" i asked as i bent down to pick up a book that i knew he didn't particularly like. "mhm.." dew nodded. i smiled, turning around and handing him the book before stepping out of the way.

"what?" dew asked. "throw it. burn it. do whatever." i shrugged, making sure i wasn't in the danger zone. dew looked at me cautiously, getting a reassuring nod in return.

dew immediately opened the book and ripped out a few pages, burning them to ashes before slamming the boom shut and throwing it across the room. he dove after it, crashing into the wall before he ripped one of the covers from the spine and threw the book again.

i sighed softly as i watched him get all his anger out. this was one of his worst fits, telling me that all the ghouls were right and the show had gone terribly for my ghoul.

after about five minutes, dew was panting heavily, stressed tears in his eyes as he was curled up on our bunk. i was sat next to him, the fire ghoul leaning into me as he cried.

"did i ruin the show?" dew asked. "no, no you didn't. it wasn't your fault, dew." i whispered softly, running my hand through his hair. dew whimpered softly, his body shaking for a moment. i frowned, hugging him tighter as he had the same mannerisms of a panicked cat.

"every single ghoul out there didn't even mention how the show was affected by your guitar. they know it wasn't your fault and they just want you to be okay." i whispered. "but i'm the lead guitar.. i fill in parts of the song. it had to be noticeable that my guitar was being fucking stupid. the fans-" dew sobbed. "love you. i'm not saying it wasn't, but if fans continued to cheer even when you were struggling, that's proof that they don't really care. they were happy to see you, the rest of the ghouls, and papa. everything is okay, dew." i soothed. dew sniffled, nodding into my collar as he began to calm down.

"you're gonna make me clean all of this up, huh?" dew whispered after a moment. "mhm. i'll be here to help though." i hummed. dew nodded, leaning into me.


dew sighed as he crashed onto our bunk, the bunk room completely cleaned and looking normal. dew curled up under the covers, feeling a significant lack of body heat after his spike of anger.

"you okay?" i asked. dew nodded, holding his arms out to me. i smiled, climbing into the bunk and settling in his arms. dew sighed softly, handing me his phone. i smiled, finding it slightly funny that dew already knew i left my phone in the living room.

i unlocked the fire ghoul's phone, sending a quick message to the group chat that everything was cooled down and cleaned up.

i smiled as i got an immediate smile-y face and a 'tell dew that i love him <3' from rain.

"rain loves you." i stated. dew smiled. "i love him, too." dew mumbled. i grinned, quickly typing out what he said and sending it. "platonically." dew clarified, opening his eyes and looking at me. i chuckled, nodding and texting 'platonically' to the chat as well.

dew wrapped his arms around me, looking down at his phone and awaiting rain's response with me.

'duh.' the water ghoul replied, a loud laugh sounding from the living room. dew chuckled, kissing my forehead and taking his phone from my grasp before throwing it off the bed.

"now give me attention." dew mumbled, leaning into my collarbone. i laughed, cupping dew's cheek and brushing my thumb over his cheekbone while massaging his scalp.

dew sighed happily, leaning into me even more as he mumbled a soft, "i love you, angel." "i love you, too." i smiled, laughing softly.

"my angel.. all mine.." dew sighed lovingly.


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