꒰ ͜͡➸ they accidentally yell at you

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requested by @/Mychemcherry with the addition of papa terzo :D

again, this one is a bit angsty but i added a bit more comfort than i usually do.

please spare me, i've been threatened by grocery store parking lots one to many times. very funny though.


- rain never raises his voice at you, so it was a shock when he yelled at you.
- in all honestly, it's hard to even get rain pissed, so really you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

you smiled as you saw rain walking down the hallway, looking down at the ground as he shuffled to the catacombs.

you quickly rushed over to your boyfriend, wrapping your arms around him as you jumped onto his back.

"get the fuck off of me!" rain yelled, shoving you off of his body. you yelped, stumbling slightly before you hit the wall.

"rain, what the hell?! it's me!" you exclaimed, holding your shoulder.

you had surprised him like that many times, and you always asked if he was still okay with it after, so you weren't crossing any boundaries that you knew of.

rain's eyes were wide as he realized it was you just trying to be affectionate.

"shit, y/n, i'm sorry," rain apologized quickly, stepping closer to you and moving your shirt so he could look at the shoulder you were holding. you let him look, hearing his sigh of relief before he hugged you tightly.

"dew was being a dick to me. i just left to take a walk and i was super wired. i'm sorry, dove." rain whispered into your ear, hugging you in a way that you would know he was sorry. "it's okay. i should probably ask more if it's okay to jump on you like that, anyway." you chuckled softly, hugging rain just as tight. rain smiled, wrapping his tail around your calf.

"would you like to finish my walk with me?" rain asked after a few moments. you smiled, nodding.

"of course."


- swiss kept knocking on the door and then running away, so when you knocked on your shared bedroom door because your hands were full, mountain yelling at you caught you off guard.

you struggled slightly to knock on the door with the two spare fingers you had, a whole pile of boxes in your arms from the mail unit of the ministry.

you heard a low growl from your room as soon as your knocking sounded, the door flew open, mountain starting to yell at you about not knocking on your shared door. you jumped back, struggling to keep all the boxes in your arms as you stared at mountain with wide eyes.

after a moment, mountain stopped yelling as he realized it was you outside of the door and not swiss.

"shit, love, i'm sorry." mountain said, his voice significantly quieter. "swiss has been being an ass. do you need help?" mountain asked. "please." you nodded.

mountain quickly took all of the boxes from you, though you intended to carry some yourself. you didn't argue, knowing it wouldn't go your way even if mountain wasn't as wired as he was.

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