꒰ ͜͡➸ you say i like you instead of i love you

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- entirely confused.
- thinks you're mad at him.
- he doesn't know how girls work, clearly.

rain smiled as you walked into the band room, his tail swaying as he walked over to you while playing 'ritual.'

you smiled back at rain as the song ended, rain leaning over and kissing you softly. you giggled softly, hearing all the ghouls groan in fake disgust or 'aww' softly.

"i love you~" rain grinned, walking with you to his regular place in the band room. "i like you too." you smiled back while sitting in your chair, dew pausing as he walked by.

"ooooh, rainy boy messed up!" dew teased. cirrus grinned, playing a 'wah wah wahhh' on the keyboards. swiss laughed, aether rolling his eyes.

rain's smile had dropped from his face as he looked around before looking back at you.

"did i?" rain asked, genuinely confused, his posture slouching. your heart melted slightly at the look on his face.

"no, no you didn't." you chuckled. "i was just joking around. i love you too, rain." you grinned. "oh.. okay." rain's smile returned as he sat down in front of you, laying against your legs and making himself comfortable while leaning his head back on your knees.


- gets flirty with you.
- purposely flusters you out of your mind and only backs off when you say that you love him back.

"i'm going to practice, love. i love you." mountain smiled, pressing a kiss to your head.

"i like you." you grinned, looking up at your earth ghoul as he pulled away from the chaste kiss. mountain paused, glancing down at you with lidded eyes.

you froze, the look in his eye making your stomach slightly churn.

"what was that?" mountain asked, turning slightly and walking towards you. you swallowed, backing up.

"uh- i like you." you said. mountain smirked, leaning down as your back hit the wall.

you set your jaw as you felt your face heat up, mountain's bright green eyes shining onto yours.

"i think you love me, actually." mountain grinned. "really?" you asked, trying to hide how flustered you were. mountain hummed, his pupils dilating.

you stared into mountain's eyes, trying to keep yourself standing as you became way to flustered to handle.

mountain chuckled, catching you as your legs buckled and holding you up.

"asshole." you grumbled, burying your face into his chest. mountain laughed, softly grabbing your chin and tilting your head up and pressing his lips to yours.

as mountain pulled away, you smiled at him.

"i love you, too." you whispered. mountain chuckled, kissing you again before backing off and pulling his helmet on.

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