꒰ ͜͡➸ you die

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HEAVY trigger warning, for obvious reasons.

some of these won't have the respective ghouls in them, i didn't want to cause emotional distress;)


- he was there when it happened.
- survivor's guilt at it's finest.

rain's eyes widened as you collapsed to the ground, a golden blade in your chest.


ghouls around him screamed and started running to the entrance of the ministry, scrambling to get to safety. the ministry was reinforced. there was no way in hell the angels were getting in.

"Y/N!" rain's voice echoed over all the yelling as he ran over, shoving other ghouls out of his way before collapsing next to you.

"y/n? y/n, come on, dove, answer me." rain cried, tears immediately pouring from his eyes as he placed his hands on you.

"rain.." you whispered.

"you can get through this, it's okay." rain continued, looking at the bloody spot that was seeping through your favorite shirt. rain's shirt. the one he had given you.

"rain-" you sighed.

"c'mon, it's just the holy dust, you're okay." rain sobbed, grabbing the hilt of the blade to pull it out. though, you moved your hand to his wrist, making the water ghoul look up at you through the tears in his eyes.

"it's okay.." you whispered. the tears falling from rain's eyes quickened as he saw your face start to lose color. "y/n?" rain whimpered. "listen to me, okay?" you heaved. rain's lip quivered but he nodded, scooting closer to you.

"don't get stuck on me.." you whispered, choking slightly. rain sobbed, resting your head on his hand so you had a pillow. "wh- what? y/n, don't talk like that-" rain cried, cupping your face.

your body convulsed slightly as blood came up from your throat and someone pours from your lips.

rain sobbed, wiping the blood from your face.

"rain.." you whispered, your voice weak. "come here."

rain did as you asked, leaning down to you while sobs made his whole body hurt.

you shakily raised your hand to rain's face, slipping his mask off before pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"i love you, raindrop.." you whispered, your hand dropping from his face after.

rain slowly raised his head, seeing your head lolled to the side, your lifeless eyes staring up into the sky as blood dripped from your lips.

a bloodcurdling scream rang across the courtyard, rain leaning forward and digging his face into your collarbone as he sobbed, hugging you tight.


- you guys had another star gazing date set up at your tree.
- you walked out to the woods to the clearing to set up the blanket and all the lights, but not everything goes to plan.

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