꒰ ͜͡➸ their favorite place to kiss you

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- he usually sticks to anywhere above your shoulders, but occasionally when you both are cuddling he'll kiss down your arm a bit
- main areas are your temple and just regular kisses, but he likes to explore occasionally;)


- your forehead.
- mainly causes he's so tall and bending down to kiss you anywhere else would hurt his back haha
- when you guys are cuddling though he does like to give you kisses everywhere else to make up for the day.


- sticks to areas around your mouth.
- that being the corner of your mouth, your cupid's bow, your cheek, and just regular kisses.
- and don't think your deprived of anything, cause you definitely aren't with how much he's attached to your hip.
- he likes giving kiss attacks too.


- anywhere.
- mostly.
- he sticks to your temples and will kiss your knuckles a whole lot, but don't put it past him to just surprise you


- everywhere. all the time. 24/7.
- he tones it down whenever you're in front of people and such but he won't hesitate to pin you to a wall and shove his tongue down your throat if he thinks you deserve it.
- his kisses are usually soft and passionate, full of utter devotion to you.


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