꒰ ͜͡➸ you're concerned they're cheating

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- rain is literally terrified of cheating on you. he can't stand the idea of doing that to you.
- literally nothing he could ever do would make you think he's cheating.
- one; he's oblivious to women coming onto him, and two; he's diligent about making sure you know that he's yours and yours only because he's paranoid
- he's paranoid to the point where's he's come to you to apologize for a girl flirting with him

"hey, y/n..?" rain called timidly as he stepped into your shared room. you looked up from your phone with a smile on your face. "what's up?" you asked.

"i'm sorry." rain stated, walking over and climbing into bed in front of you. "you're sorry? for what?" you raised an eyebrow.

"a new ghoulette that was just summoned tried to come onto me. i told her i was taken and she backed off but- y'know.. i'm sorry." rain apologized. you laughed softly, tossing your phone down and pulling rain close to cuddle.

rain quickly leaned into you, enjoying the comfort of your arms.

"you don't have to apologize for what other girls do, rain. i trust you. i'm not worried about you not being loyal." you smiled, running your fingers through his hair that was slightly peaking out from under his helmet. rain nodded.

"i love you, dove." rain mumbled. you smiled.

"i love you too, raindrop."


- it was a few interactions with an earth ghoulette that made you start to question if he was cheating or not.
- it wasn't really even questioning, you just felt paranoid.
- you didn't want to feel like you were wasting your time with mountain, so you just straight up asked him.

"hey, mountain?" you called as you peaked your head out of your room.

mountain looked over from a conversation he was having with an air ghoul, smiling at you and quickly saying goodbye to the ghoul.

"what's up, love?" mountain asked, walking with you into your shared room. "who's that earth ghoulette you've been talking to?" you asked. mountain paused, making you turn around to face him.

"acacia? she's just a work friend. she's been helping me out in the gardens." mountain explained. a surprising amount of relief flooded you as you nodded, trying not to sigh and make it obvious you were worried.

but mountain could tell. you knew mountain could tell.

"did you think i was cheating on you?" mountain asked. you stared at him for a moment before sighing.

"i felt paranoid. i hadn't really agreed to the full thought that you were.. i just didn't want to waste my time." you explained.

"oh, love.." mountain mumbled, quickly hugging you. "i would never do that to you, y/n. you keep me grounded in this world. there's no way i'd even be able to." mountain whispered. you nodded, hugging mountain back tightly.

"let me take you out tonight." mountain whispered. "you don't have to. i was just being dumb-" mountain cut you off.

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