꒰ ͜͡➸ you get attacked by another ghoul

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- you were just at the wrong place at the wrong time
- you had accidentally bumped into a newly summoned ghoul who was having a hard time adjusting to earth. he was struggling with keeping himself in check and you bumping into him just set him off.

rain was wondering through the halls of the ministry looking for something to do when he heard a very familiar voice scream.

rain felt the hairs on the back of his neck lift, the door next to him swinging open just startling him more.

there dew was, swiss behind him as they both looked startled as well.

"the hell was that?" swiss asked, hurrying dew out of the room. "i don't-"


rain froze. dew watched the water ghoul's pupils turn to slits as a low growl rumbled in his chest.

dew and swiss ran after rain as he started running towards where your voice came from, his body on high alert.

as rain turned a corner, he saw a big crowd at the other end of the hallway, lots of commotion coming from it.

your pained screams coming from it.

just as dew and swiss caught up with him, rain was running for the crowd, pushing through and jumping onto the ghoul that was attacking you.

the two ghouls rolled, claws extended as lots of growling, hissing, and grunting took over the hallway.

you cried as swiss knelt down next to you, dew leaping onto the ghoul that had attacked you as well.

"shh, it's okay.. everything is going to be okay.." swiss tried to calm you, keeping an eye on the fight to see if he had to intervene.

it was clear the attacker was losing, though rain didn't seem to care. dew followed what rain was doing, keeping an eye on the water ghoul to back off when he did.

though, when alpha, aether, and mountain all broke through the crowd and started splitting up the fight, rain and dew backed off completely.

alpha was quick to pick up the new ghoul and rush him to the infirmary, aether yelling at all the siblings of sin and ghouls that were watching to leave as he brought dew to his feet.

the crowd cleared quickly, mountain trying to calm rain who was breathing heavily, his face a bit beaten up.

tears continued to stream down your face as you bled from many different slashes all over your body, exhaustion making your eyes start to droop.

"y/n?" swiss asked, breaking rain from his rage as he whipped around, falling to his knees next to you. "y/n, keep your eyes open, dove.." rain whispered, cupping your cheek with a gentle touch. all he got in response was a shaky breath.

rain looked up at aether. aether had a focused look on his face as he held dew's arms behind the fire ghoul's back. dew was calming down slightly, though a bloody nose and heavy breathing showed that he was still a bit wired.

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