꒰ ͜͡➸ they find you asleep somewhere around the ministry

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- being wounded as badly as you were was already awful, but what made it worse was that secondo needed your help with mountains of paper work that imperator had given him on top of his other projects.
- he felt awful about the thought about asking you and hadn't even mentioned it to you, but he spoke to copia about it and copia accidentally let it slip while he was checking on you with rain.
- as soon as they left you called for omega and asked him to bring you to secondo, knowing rain would never allow you to get out of bed.
- omega was cautious at first too, but you insisted.

rain sighed as he walked into your room, beginning his retelling of the day as he took his shoes off.

"and then copi- y/n?" rain cut himself off as he turned around, not seeing you in bed. "y/n?!" he called out.

after getting no answer, his jaw clenched as the realization you were with secondo came upon him.

rain sighed, quickly pulling on his boots and rushing out of your room, hurrying up to secondo's office.


rain knocked hurriedly as he reached the wooden door, pressing his ear to the door after.

though, instead of a verbal response, he heard light snores.

rain slowly pushed the door open, peaking inside only to see you and the second eldest papa asleep on his couch.

a small smile graced rains face as he looked at the adorable scene in front of him. rain inched forward and slowly pulled your phone from your pocket, backing away and taking a quick picture.

rain sighed as he placed your phone in one of his pockets, shuffling over and picking you up from the couch.

secondo startled awake at the change of pressure on the couch and against him, looking up quickly at rain.

"good morning, sir," rain grinned, trying to lighten the tense situation. secondo stared at him for a moment before chuckling and nodding as he stood.

"take her back to bed. i can do the rest." secondo sighed, looking at his desk that still had a decent amount of paperwork rested on top.

rain looked down at you in his arms, not seeing anything wrong with your bandages.

she'll be fine.. i mean, both secondo and i are here to keep her safe, she was comfortable before.. and secondo seems really stressed.. rain thought to himself.

rain glanced over at secondo to see him looking down at papers, his eyebrows somehow more furrowed than normal.

and this could be like.. getting secondo to like me more.. rain's thought's continued.

rain smiled softly and laid you back down on the couch, making sure you were comfortable before he turned back to secondo, his tail swaying slightly.

"where do we start?" rain asked, smiling at the second eldest papa. secondo looked up staring at him once more for a moment before grinning.

"this pile is conformations for this weekend, so we can start there. thank you, rain."


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