꒰ ͜͡➸ they walk in on you changing

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- he freezes.

you sighed softly, stretching your arms out after you took off the top of your uniform. your tail quivered as all the tension in your back released, a yawn leaving you as you stretched your legs as well.

though, you were pulled from your thoughts as you heard a small squeak of surprise form the door. you glanced over your shoulder, seeing rain standing in the doorway, his eyes wide as he looked at your topless torso.

"close the door, rain," you laughed softly, adjusting how your bra straps were on your shoulders, looking back at the closet.

though, when no movement was heard, you looked over your shoulder again. rain was still stood there, his face covered in a subtle blush as his tail thrashed around.

you rolled your eyes with a fond smile, turning on your heel and walking over to the water ghoul.

rain squeaked again as you put your hand on his chest, guiding him out of the doorway so you could close the door.

"sorry," rain whispered, averting his eyes to anywhere but your bare skin. you laughed softly, shaking your head as you locked the door.

"it's okay. can you choose something for me? i need to do something in the bathroom." you smiled. rain nodded, rushing over to the closet and looking through it. you shook your head, finding his shyness cute as you walked to the bathroom.

you started doing your nighttime routine, getting your hair out of your face while minding your horns.

a few minutes later, a knock on the doorway was heard.

you looked over, seeing rain with his eyes on the ground as he held some of his clothes in his hands.

"here you go," rain whispered, glancing up at you but quickly looking down.

"you can look at me, rain. it's okay." you laughed, shuffling over and taking the clothes. rain had chosen one of his favorite hoodies and some of his old sweatpants for you to wear. you smiled, looking up at him.

rain was looking back at you, his eyes occasionally tracing your neck and collarbones. you grinned, kissing him quickly.

rain quickly kissed you back, holding onto your waist. you giggled softly as he was quick to move down to your neck, nipping at your skin.

"you have no patience, huh?" you teased, grinning. "shush," rain whispered, picking you up and putting you on the counter.


- he's respectful about it.

mountain hummed softly to himself as he entered your shared room, looking up to see you changing into some more relaxed clothes. the earth ghoul stepped out of the room immediately, closing the door and leaning against the wall.

mountain continued to hum softly to himself, not bothered by the situation. he picked at his claws, waiting for you to come and get him.

after a moment, the door opened and you peaked out. mountain looked over, grinning at you. you smiled back, ace hopping out to your shoulder from under your hair.

"you look amazing, by the way." mountain commented as you both walked into the room, ace flapping his wings and flying up to land on mountain's curved horns. you giggled softly, leaning into mountain's body as he wrapped his arm around you.

"thank you,"


- another respectful one

you looked over as the door to your room opened, belial quickly hopping down from the bed and trotting over to aether who had entered the room.

aether grinned, petting belial and looking up, seeing you halfway through changing.

"oh- sorry, darling." aether said, covering his eyes and quickly closing the door. "it's okay. i don't mind." you laughed softly, bringing your hoodie over your head and behind careful of your horns.

still, aether averted his eyes and played with belial until you made your way over to the two of them, sitting on the floor.

aether smiled and followed your actions, sitting next to you as belial flopped onto his side and began demanding belly rubs.


- you were trying on new clothes since becoming a ghoulette had given you a slightly smaller frame, and the horny bastard walked in.
- of course, he's less horny than someone.

you furrowed your brows as you tried to get a shirt to rest correctly on your body, huffing softly as you became frustrated. you quickly took off the shirt, tossing into the pile of clothes that you'd put in the charity box for other sisters of sin.

though, when you looked back up at your full body mirror, you saw your boyfriend prowling closer to you as he examined your body.

"someone looks amazing," swiss purred, retracting his claws as he grazed his hands along your waist and stomach before he wrapped his arms around you. you smiled, raising your arms up to hide your flushed face.

swiss laughed softly, pressing a kiss to your neck before resting his chin on your shoulder.

"you don't need to hide, baby. you're too pretty to cover that face~" swiss continued. "satanas, swiss, be quiet." you squeaked, turning around in his arms and hiding your face in his chest.

swiss laughed, hugging you tighter as a gentle purring came from the two of you.


- the original horny bastard.
- he leads all of you freaks /lh

you yawned, exhausted from the long day as you took your button up off, tossing it into the hamper and beginning the search for one of dew's hoodies.

you opened the closet, looking through all the hangers for your favorite of the fire ghoul's hoodies, only to jump as you felt arms around your waist and wet kisses being placed on your shoulder.

"fucking hell, dew," you laughed, placing your hand on your chest as you let yourself lean into his body. "you scared the shit out of me." you grinned. dew mumbled out an apology, still placing many many kisses on your neck and shoulder.

"you're gorgeous," dew continued, wrapping his arms around you tightly and adding some nipping into the kisses. "uh-huh. and you're not getting any of me tonight." you grinned, slipping out of his arms and grabbing the hoodie you were looking for.

dew groaned as you pulled the clothing on, pouting with narrowed eyes as he glared at his own clothes on your body.

you laughed, kissing his cheek and walking over to the bed.


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