꒰ ͜͡➸ thanksgiving special

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- he's a pretty quiet eater.
- takes his share and doesn't ask for any more until he's sure everyone else is full.
- that is until dew gives rain half of his plate.
- rain's always focused on you though. any chance he gets to talk about how thankful he is for you he'll take it.
- he keeps it quiet though. just whispering to you how much he cares about you and how happy he is you came into his life.

"rain," you commented after you swallowed your potatoes. "hm?" rain hummed, his eyes lidded as he stared at you with pure adoration.

"you've been staring at me for the past 5 minutes." you said, smiling at him. rain flushed, turning to his plate and shoving some stuffing into his mouth. you chuckled, kissing his cheek quickly. rain's blush grew even more and he quickly covered his face with his hands, all the ghouls noticing how shy he had become.

"aww, rain's so shy~" swiss teased, wiggling his finger at the water ghoul. rain groaned, turning to you and burying his face into your neck. you laughed, telling the other ghouls to lay off as you hugged rain.


- he doesn't talk at all during the meal.
- but satan as soon as you get back to his room? he never shuts up about how happy he is swiss pushed him into that clearing.
- you eat it up, obviously. i mean, your ghoul is practically expressing his devotion to you; you'd be crazy if you didn't bask in that.

"you're just so perfect, i'm so happy that we became so close and now you're my girlfriend and i'm just-" you cut mountain off, looking up at him. "mountain, honey," you grinned. "hm?" the earth ghoul hummed, looking down at you.

"it's 2:30 am.. go to sleep." you chuckled. "right, sorry.." mountain nodded, hugging you close to him.


"but you know how much i care about you right?"

you laughed, "yes mountain, i know. you're my favorite, too."


- since he's the dad of the group he's always making sure everyone has enough food.
- don't get me wrong, though, he pays attention to you, but he also has to make sure dew doesn't throw food at one of the other ghouls and start a food fight.
- his hand is usually rested on your thigh as everyone eats and he keeps conversation going.
- everyone enjoys it though. we gotta have a dad at thanksgiving, right?

"oh, pfft- y/n.." aether snorted, looking at you. you hummed, looking over. aether grinned, taking his hand from your thigh and brushing his thumb just under your lip. you looked down at his hand, seeing some gravy.

you smiled bashfully as aether laughed, shaking his head as he wiped his thumb on a napkin.

after, aether leaned closer to you, pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of your mouth. you smiled widely, leaning into his body as he sat upright again.

"AWEEE!" sunshine squealed.


- eats the most.
- half the food is gone because of him and him only.
- i don't know how but he manages to eat most of the pie after too.
- nobody really minds though. the kitchen ghouls make WAY too much food

"swiss, hun," you chuckled. swiss looked over, his mouth stuffed with food. "try to slow down. you're eating like you haven't even looked at food in a week." you grinned.

"oh he hasn't," mountain said, pushing his potatoes away from his carrots. "seriously??" you asked, looking at mountain. he hummed a yes, rain nodding from next to him.

i looked over at swiss as he somehow swallowed all the food in his mouth, getting a weary smile from the multi-ghoul before he began shoveling potatoes into his mouth.

you sighed, shaking your head as you took swiss' hand from under the table.


- eats surprisingly little.
- aether gives him a full plate and he portions of some for you and rain, giving you both your share of his food.
- at first you were concerned, but after rain shook his head at you telling you not to bring it up, you kept quiet.

dew sighed as he rested his head on your shoulder, closing his eyes.

"what's up, dew?" you asked. "tired.." dew mumbled. you hummed, resting your head on his as you put your fork down.

"keep eating, angel.. don't let me stop you." dew whispered. you shook your head. "i'm full. i just didn't want to be rude." you explained. dew hummed, tilting his head up and pressing a quick kiss to your jawline before laying on your shoulder again.


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