꒰ ͜͡➸ who said i love you first

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- he did.
- it was very very cute.
- he was back from a long, all day practice since a ritual was coming up. papa iv had worn him out with the constant replaying of all the songs over and over and over again.
- rain had come to you during his 30 minute lunch break and just fell on top of you, telling you what time he had to be up before making it clear he was taking a nap.
- when you had woken rain up you had been very gentle and kind, talking softly to him as you walked with him back to the band room, giving him a tight reassuring hug before he had to go back inside to keep practicing.
- when he had gotten back to his room.. well..

rain sighed as he practically fell into his door, unlocking it and waving tiredly at dew before stumbling into his room.

though, he paused as he saw you looked over from adjusting something on his bed. rain quickly looked to his bed, hoping you didn't ruin it. he really needed to sleep.

he of course knew you wouldn't do something like that, especially when he saw how he just collapsed onto you, but exhaustion had taken over almost everything about him, including his thoughts.

though, rain felt extremely relieved when he had saw what you had made.

on his bed there was what looked like a mini nest. it was similar to the one that was made for him when he was on his...cycle..

"dove.." rain whispered as he closed his door behind him. you smiled softly, walking over and gently unbuckling his mask, slowly pulling it off of his head and setting it on his desk.

rain's blue eyes were fading slightly in patches, showing deep brown behind them. his eyes were trained on you, his pupils dilated.

"i saw how tired you were earlier and wanted to do something for you," you started to explain as you walked rain over to his bed. rain quickly climbed in, making himself almost comfortable. rain opened his arms up, knowing you were needed to make him as comfortable as possible.

"i thought this would be nice." you shrugged, climbing into bed with him and settling into his arms. rain smiled blissfully as he looked down at you.

"i love you so much, y/n." rain whispered, kissing you quickly before hugging you close to him. you paused for a moment, a big smile taking over your face after.

"i love you too, rain.."


- he did actually
- and he was terrified you'd hate him for making you take a step that maybe you weren't ready for.
- another 'mountain doesn't want to over step boundaries' situation.

you were walking with mountain through some paths in the woods, holding hands with him.

"you know," mountain started. you looked up at him. "it would be really great if you came to this ritual with us." mountain offered. you chuckled slightly. "what? and ride in the tour bus with you?" you asked. mountain hummed, tilting his nose up slightly. you looked over, slightly shocked.  "seriously?" you asked. mountain smirked, humming softly.

"why on earth would you want me to come with you? i'd just get in the way." you stated. mountain looked down at you, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

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