꒰ ͜͡➸ showtime nerves

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- dew :]

- fluff <3

- 824 words!

- no trigger warnings

- requested by
anon !



you were going on tour.

satan below-

"y/n! this is awesome!" swiss laughed, shaking your shoulders as you tried to come out of your shock. "it's gonna be great having you out there with us," aether grinned, swatting swiss' hands away from you. rain smiled happily and nodded, "you're gonna be great."

their words went straight through your brain, not being processed in the slightest. you were going on tour. you were going on tour at you hadn't played once for the ghouls.

what if you didn't work well with them? what if you didn't have the same charisma and dynamics with them as they did with each other? what if you froze up? what would you even play? all the roles were already taken!

"y/n?" you blinked back to reality, seeing a bunch of ghouls smiling back at you. it was mountain who had called your name, "how're you feeling?" he asked. you paused before forcing a smile upon your face, "i feel—i feel great.. yeah," you laughed, trying to hide your nerves. all the ghouls cheered, dew coming up and hugging you tightly.

"you're gonna be great, angel," he whispered, pressing a kiss to your neck. you sighed, hugging your fiery boyfriend back.

you hoped so.

you slammed the door of copia's office open, storming in. the fourth papa yelped, shocked by your anger. only, you weren't angry.

you were terrified.

"tesoro?" copia mumbled, sitting up in his chair. "i'm going on tour??? tour, copia! really?? lucifer, i can't do this." your voice level went up and down as you paced the carpet in front of copia's desk. "yes you can." copia's eyebrows furrowed. you weren't listening, too caught up in your own stress.

"what am i going to play? where am i going to be on stage? how the fuck do i even walk on stage?? and what if my instrument breaks mid song? what if i make a fool of myself? of the band??? copia, i can't." you panicked. copia stood, calmly walking around his desk and pulling you into his arms. your thrashing tail dropped as you let yourself crumble in copia's arms, impatient tears finally winning and falling down your face.

"you are one of the best musicians i have seen in my time here, tesoro. i worked hard for you to have a place in the band because you are talented enough to be in it." copia whispered. "you deserve this."

you stared out at the people that had come to see the show, swallowing harshly. there were lots of people.. lots.

you adjusted how your guitar rested on you body, feeling a hand on your shoulder. you looked over, seeing dew.

"you doing okay?" he asked, tilting his head. "fine." you nodded, very clearly lying. dew frowned, pulling you into a side hug. "if you ever need a distraction on stage or someone else for people to look at you can count on me. i understand the nerves of your first show." dew spoke softly, pressing a kiss to your temple.  you sighed, sinking into his body and letting him comfort you.

"than you, dew." you whispered. "of course, angel. you're gonna kill it," he grinned, squeezing you tightly before his guitar tech called him over.

you let out a deep breath as you walked up onto dew's platform, stretching your fingers as all the fans screamed excitedly. you put your foot on the whammy pedal and pushed on it, starting the watcher in the sky solo as you tuned out everything but mountain's drums so you could keep time.

it felt as if everything else around you disappeared as you focused on the strings, making sure you didn't lose time or mess up in any way.

after a few moments you began making the guitar cry, using the whammy bar and pedal to make it just like the song. you looked out to the audience and let out a breath of relief as they all screamed excitedly before you looked to the rest of the stage, seeing all the ghouls quickly nodding happily to encourage you, dewdrop rushing over and standing next to you, resting his chin on your shoulder as he began whispering to you.

"you did amazing, angel. they're loving you. i love you. i'm so proud of you." he whispered, his smile in his voice as he backed off of your shoulder, the song ending. you both turned off the volume to your guitars and hugged each other, dew continuing to whisper praises as he hugged you tightly.

"ready to keep going?" dew asked as he realized papa was putting off the next song to let you recoup. you nodded, hugging dew tighter for a moment before backing away and smiling at him, stepping off of his platform after.

dew followed happily, giving you your space but also spending time with you throughout the rest of the show.


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