꒰ ͜͡➸ shark week

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i've been getting lots of angsty requests and they've worn me out. i will get to them, i promise, but if y'all could spare me and give me some fluffy ones that would be great:') [please put them on request page so i can sort everything easier<3]


- he hates blood but he loves you, so he tries to power through.
- if you ever bleed through while out in the ministry, he'll come up behind you and hug you, softly whispering what had happened.
- he makes nests for you, too.
- whenever he's on his cycle, the other ghouls make him a nest and he finds a load of comfort in them
- it's really the only thing he knows exactly how to do during your period, so he makes them perfectly to make up for all the mistakes he makes the rest of the week.
- rain supremacy, y'all.

you whimpered softly as you laid on the couch in the living room, a particularly intense cramp hitting you hard.

rain hurried into the room, kneeling down next to you and placing his hand over your stomach.

"hey, dove.. can you walk?" rain asked, knowing that cramps could get really bad. you nodded, struggling to sit up, the action only making your cramping worse.

you let out a shaky sigh as rain helped you stand, wrapping you in a side hug and helping you to your shared room.

a painful two minutes later, and rain was opening the door, trying to smile at you as you saw the nest he had built on the bed.

"rain.." you whispered, becoming frustrated with the tears welling in your eyes. rain's smile dropped as he saw your tears.

"i-i'm sorry, i thought it would be nice! here, let me-" rain cut himself off, hurrying over to the bed to take the nest apart.

though, he was stopped as you rushed by him, climbing into the middle of the bed and curling up in a ball, letting out a sigh at how much more comfortable you were.

rain stared for a moment, trying to figure out what was going on.

you were starting to cry, surely that meant you didn't like it?

you mumbled something, reaching out for rain.

the water ghoul slowly made his way over, trying not to make any sudden moves as if you would react badly if he stepped a certain way.

"what do you need, dove?" rain asked softly. your eyes fluttered open, looking over your arm and up at him.

you reached out, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the nest, placing his hand on your waist as you closed your eyes again.

rain's smile came back as he climbed into the nest next to you, your body molding with his perfectly as he held you close to him, pulling a blanket over the two of you.


- being an earth ghoul, he can sense it.
- your energy becomes easier to mess with and shape since your hormones are all over the place.
- he keeps you calm and makes sure he himself is calm, knowing you became more sensitive to others emotions when on your period.

mountain looked up at you as you walked into the common room, a completely blank look on your face as you shuffled over to the earth ghoul and draped yourself over him.

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