꒰ ͜͡➸ you randomly kiss them

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- he gets very flustered.
- usually he can tell when your about to hug him, kiss him, anything like that, but whenever he misses your cues he's a blushing mess.

rain grinned, putting down a yellow reverse onto the discard pile. dew groaned, starting to draw cards again.

"i fuckin' hate all of you." dew growled, his tail flicking as he picked up another card he couldn't place. everyone laughed, enjoying the fire ghoul's misery.

rain leaned into you, wrapping his arm around your body and holding you close as he leaned his head on yours. you smiled, closing your eyes and basking in rain's touch.

though, when you opened your eyes and made eye contact with swiss, you saw a mischievous glint in his golden irises.

swiss' eyes darted to rain before moving back to you, his tail spade outlining a heart in the air. you raised an eyebrow, wanting the multi-ghoul to get to the point. swiss grinned, his voice sounding in your mind.

'kiss him~' swiss sent you a mental message, the tone marching the shit-eating grin on his face. you rolled your eyes, grabbing rain's chin and pressing your lips to his.

rain yelped softly, his eyes wide before he melted into you, his eyes slipping shut as he let out a content sigh.

the water ghoul let out a shaky breath as you pulled back, his eyes fluttering open.

"what.. what was that for?" rain whispered shakily, his lidded eyes darting away from yours before looking back at you. you smiled, pecking him again.

"just loving on you," you whispered back, grinning. rain squeaked softly, lightly trilling after as he pressed his forehead to yours.


- he's usually the one to initiate kisses, so he's usually caught off guard if you kiss him first.
- he loves it though.

you sighed softly as you rested your head on mountain's chest, your tails mingling with each other.

"hey," you mumbled, looking up. mountain hummed, looking down at you with a smile. you smiled back, pressing your lips to his. mountain hummed in surprise but raised his hand to cup your cheek, grinning as he gently nipped at your bottom lip. you giggled softly, leaning into his hand and pulling away from the kiss.

"wanted attention~?" mountain purred, his accent making your cheeks heat up. "shut up.." you laughed softly, resting your head on his chest again. mountain laughed, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close.


- he blushes quite a bit, too.

you laughed evilly as you pounced on aether, jumping over the couch. aether yelped, wrapping his arm around you as you both tumbled off of the piece of furniture. aether caught you before you hit the ground, grunting as he held himself up too.

you laughed even harder, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down to you. aether's face heated up as you kissed him and he gently laid you down, caging you under his body as he deepened the kiss.

"what was- oh for the love of satan! get a room!" dew gagged as he rushed into the common room, worried about the thud he heard.


- he holds you nice and tight whenever you surprise him with a kiss, making sure you don't slip from his hold.

"hey, baby," swiss smiled as he wrapped his arms around you from behind, hugging you close. you grinned, leaning into him and resting your helmet against his.

"GROSS!" dew yelled from across the room, tuning his guitar. swiss growled lowly as mountain threw a drum stick at the fire ghoul, making dew put his guitar down and try to attack the bigger ghoul. mountain rolled his eyes, putting his hand on dew's head and pushing him away.

you giggled, turning to swiss and kissing him while attention was off the two of you. swiss smiled, hugging your waist as he kissed you back.


- he's usually the one to initiate kisses and such, so he's easy to surprise

you grinned, looping your arm with dew's as he walked out of primo's office. dew looked over, disgusted by whoever was touching him until he realized it was you. dew's expression softened as he smiled at you, bringing your hand up and kissing your knuckles.

"what did primo want?" you asked, smiling at your fire ghoul. "just work stuff. nothing big." dew shrugged, glancing ahead of the two of you to make sure that you weren't going to run into anything. though, when he looked back, he was startled by your lips on his.

dew hummed softly, bringing his hand up and cupping your face as he halted your walking. you smiled, leaning into dew further.

"you love it when i do that~" you teased, grinning widely as you both pulled away from the kiss. dew laughed softly, kissing you again to keep you quiet.


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