꒰ ͜͡➸ airport reunion

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requested by @/HappyCookie14 !!

the next one will be a bit angsty, but i'll be sure to add loads of comfort <33

also, all of these will be y/n coming back after a trip that the ghouls can't go on, so they'll be the ones waiting for you :)

hope you enjoy !!


- he's a nervous wreck for some reason.
- his anxiety makes him think that you'll be a completely different person and either won't recognize him or won't love him.
- or, your plane crashed somewhere in the middle of the ocean and nobody will every find the plane, or any signals from the plane, or your body and then he'll be alone for life because he wants to marry you and-
- someone give the boy some xanax. he needs it desperately.

"where is she??" rain mumbled to himself, desperately wanting to shift out of his glamour so he could see over everyone's heads.

they had just started off loading the plane and he hadn't seen you yet. obviously that meant that you had gotten trapped at the first airport and-

"it'll be okay, rain, this is why we brought mountain." aether soothed, standing next to the water ghoul. rain looked over at mountain, seeing him squinting as he looked around.

"yeah, bring the ghoul who needs glasses and forgets them all the time.." rain huffed, dew snorting at the comment. "wow- okay. i won't look then." mountain stated, looking down at rain with a smirk. rain whipped around, hastily apologizing to the ghoul and begging him to keep looking.

though, the water ghoul stopped as he felt a tap on his shoulder. rain turned around, his eyes widening when he saw you. you smiled, putting down your carryon and opening your arms.

rain tried to hold back the soft cry that escaped him, but he couldn't. your ghoul quickly placed himself in your arms, hugging you tightly.

"oh, raindrop.." you whispered, hugging the water ghoul tightly.


- he was texting swiss to try and pass the time
- he got into a jokingly heated fight with the multi-ghoul about how much mountain was in love with you, and he didn't hear the airport attendant announce that your flight was offloading

'mountain should be waiting for you !' you read the text from cumulus with a smile. of course mountain would be the one to come in and wait.

the airport could only give one gate pass. you assumed everyone would be civil, but you weren't sure if mountain would push him being the one to come back.

you smiled, nodding at the flight attendant as you walked by them, getting a smile back. you were careful as you stepped off the plane, hurriedly walking up the enclosed ramp to the gate.

as you walked through the door, you saw your ghoul in his human glamour leaning against a wall across the walkway. he was typing away at his phone with a small grin on his face.

you smiled, taking your phone out and taking a picture of him, quickly texting him as you shuffled over.

mountain looked up after he got the picture of himself from you, his eyes widening as he saw you walking over with a smile. you grinned, opening your arms as you reached your boyfriend.

mountain quickly picked you up, gently spinning you back and fourth as he hugged you tightly.

"i miss you, love." mountain whispered, pressing a kiss to your neck. you smiled widely.

"i missed you too."


- he had been up all night due to excitement so he fell asleep in the seating area as he waited for you.

you're eyebrows were furrowed after you didn't get an excited text back from your boyfriend after you told him you'd landed. though, you assumed that maybe he was getting food while he waited.

you thanked the flight attendants as you passed them, walking around all the people who were going too slow through the walkway.

you looked around as you exited the gate, spotting your ghoul asleep in a chair, his arms crossed as he buried his nose into his hoodie collar.

you smiled softly, shuffling over and gently placing your hand on aether's shoulder. aether jumped slightly, looking up.

"good morning," you grinned.

all tiredness in his eyes vanished as he realized it was you. the quintessence ghoul shot up to his feet, hugging you tightly. you laughed, hugging aether back.


- he was right next to the gate door waiting for you.
- he scared every other passenger before you because he had forgotten to glamour his golden eyes HAHA

you smiled happily as you made it to the gate exit, looking to your left to search the seating area for your ghoul.

though, a yelp was pulled from you as you were dragged to the right into someone's very familiar arms.

you looked over, seeing swiss grinning down at you happily. you smiled, hugging swiss back.

"hey, baby," swiss whispered. you blushed, not having heard that nickname in a while.

"you need to call me that more."


- dew wanted to bring aether and rain to the gate with him to help calm him down, but the airport would only allow one of them back.
- dew loves you, but he was sure he would set fire to the gate because of his nerves while waiting for you, so he stayed behind security with the two ghouls.
- that said, he was even more antsy, so he was sprinting at you as soon as he saw you.

you looked up from your phone as you heard two yells of your name—one excited, the other warning.

you're eyes widened as you saw dew pummeling at you, aether and rain looking slightly startled as they ran after the fire ghoul.

you quickly put your stuff down, tossing your phone onto your bag before you caught dew as he jumped at you.

dew wrapped himself around you, his arms around your shoulders and his legs around your waist.

"hello.." you laughed softly, hearing dew start to purr as he began licking and nipping at your neck.

"already?" you asked, your laughing being a bit louder. "shush," dew mumbled, gently nipping at your skin again, "you smell like all the guys on the plane.." dew continued, making sure it was his scent on your rather than theirs.


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