꒰ ͜͡➸ how their ghoul abilities work

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[this will be updated as i come up with more headcannons i like :]]


- seeing as he's a water ghoul, he'll be most content when around any form of water.
- it's snowing? where are his gloves—he's going outside. it's raining? don't even bother trying to follow him—he's sprinting to the doors of the ministry. it's humid outside? let's g—actually.. maybe not; humidity is gross even for water ghouls.
- it's funny though, rain can't handle drastic changes in temperature, so whenever he's out in the snow he can only be out there for about 10 minutes before having to go inside and warm up again—maybe if he listened to you for once and actually wore snow gear he could be outside for longer.
- showers are his favorite.
- he oftentimes just stands under the running water to recoup after a long day, gaining his energy back so he can go to sleep not as exhausted as before.
- with humans, he can feel their body heat and usually their emotions.
- he can somewhat send his natural energy into a human's body if they ever need it. though, the only time he's ever had to use this was when a sister of sin had passed out and he was the only ghoul around that could somewhat help.
- with ghouls, he's best at calming fire ghouls down. the whole natural energy thing.
- since fire and water are opposites, fire and water ghouls usually tend to make hit or miss friendships. for rain and dew, definitely a hit.
- rain is basically a 'dew is getting too riled up please for the love of satan someone do something' kind of ghoul.
-being around dew and getting close to him is a plus too.


- he can practically knock any ghoul out if they start to be too much.
- earth ghouls are the most grounded and in tune with their abilities [aside from the occasional multi or quintessence ghoul], so the ministry has employed them to basically sedate anyone that they deem necessary, ghoul or human.
- though, this tends to wear them out quite a bit.
- to regain their energy, earth ghouls find it most helpful to go into the woods behind the ministry and just let themselves get lost in the trees.
- there's a clearing that only earth ghouls know about, about an hour deep into the forest. most earth ghouls go there whenever the ministry has worn them out.
- since earth ghouls are normally grounded and in control of their emotions, whenever they aren't, it affects everyone around them. it's like their emotions are radiating off of their bodies and washing over everyone else.
- earth ghouls can feel the energy of others and follow whoever they're looking for's footsteps to find them. the longer it's been since the person as stepped there, the weaker the path feels for earth ghouls.


- he's definitely the most powerful ghoul in the band. maybe even in the whole church.
- when aether was summoned, he was summoned by primo for copia's new lineup for the band after alpha, water, air, little earth, and mist all retired—papa being the one summoning, it was obvious that a powerful summoner would get a powerful ghoul. which he did.
- quintessence ghouls are entirely overpowered with their ability to pick and choose which abilities they want to have that day from the list of all the other elements.
- because aether is so powerful, he can choose three elements a day.
- i'm not joking.
- it's terrifying what damage aether could do if he really wanted to
- since aether is so.. aether, he tends to back off of using his abilities as to not scare anyone.


- i'm constantly debating with myself on if i think he's an earth/fire multi, or an earth/air multi. i lean towards both fire and air, so i've thought about just think of him as earth/fire/air ahah
- multi-ghouls are summoned with the intention of two elements, but they can easily let the abilities of another ghoul into their system for a certain amount of time.
- once, rain was needed for a ritual but he got very sick, so rain asked swiss to take his place. swiss obviously agreed and rain let the multi-ghoul absorb some of his natural energy by putting his hand to the water ghoul's forehead and just.. focusing.
- again, another overpowered ghoul.
- which is why there aren't many multi-ghouls at the ministry. same goes for quintessence ghouls.
- another thing, multi-ghouls, when they're in a relationship that they think will be lifelong, they feel most everything their mate feels.
- their partner is scared? they're scared. their partner is happy? they're happy. their partner is in life or death trouble? multi-ghouls will feel a pull in their gut leading them to their partner.


- might as well be satan himself.
- fire ghouls can breathe fire, light themselves on fire, breathe smoke, light things on fire around them. really just everything you'd expect.
- they tend to range from reactive to some of the most calm ghouls at the ministry. it really depends.
- like fire, the ghouls tend to be [sometimes] quiet and beautiful, yet destructive—forceful, strong, dangerous, invigorating, exciting, and dynamic.
- if they're upset, fire ghouls will start to heat up and make everyone around the unbearably hot. that's usually when water step in to calm them down.


- ghouls can talk to each other through their minds, across close distances.
- the farthest recorded distance was two hours away which is pretty impressive.


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