꒰ ͜͡➸ fallen tales

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-all ghouls [no
ghoulettes, they'll
be included though;)]

-kinda angsty, kinda

-2654 words!

- no trigger

- requested by
@/Not_Alive__ !!


swiss huffed softly as he cleaned up the aftermath of the ritual to welcome in the spring.

it hadn't gone well. the winds were angry, the trees rustled more than usual, and the light from the setting sun had been blocked by clouds—leaving 6 more weeks of winter.

and of course, nihil and imperator were pissed, so they put the job of cleaning on one ghoul.

"fuckin' witch." swiss hissed as the anger imperator gave him raised higher in his chest. "running around thinking you own the place. you just have that horny bastard wrapped around your finger, nothing else. what gives you the right to treat us like thi-?"

swiss' angry rambling was cut off by a break in the clouds then a big crash in the woods.

the multi-ghoul stood still for a moment, trying to process what happened. though, his thoughts were cut off by the sound of pained cries and the rustling of wings.

swiss dropped everything in his arms and raced into the woods to find what had just fallen from the heavens.

swiss slowed to a stop as he saw someone curled up against a tree, her body shaking badly.

"hello?" swiss called. she froze, hesitantly looking over her blackened wing at him.

"are you okay? i saw you fall and-" swiss cut himself off as he was hit with the smell of jaded beauty.

a fallen..

swiss slowly continued forward, crouching down slightly as curiosity overwhelmed him.

"you-... you're a fallen.." swiss whispered. tears welled in the scared angel's eyes, the gold flaking into a metallic black as the tears fell from her lash line.

as swiss got closer, her shaking became more dramatic as anxiety flooded her nervous system.

she pressed herself against the tree, extending her wings out to try and protect herself.

"it's okay, i won't hurt you." swiss soothed, crouching down more to seem less intimidating. "my name is swiss and i'm a ghoul, but i won't hurt you in any way, i swear." swiss promised, sitting down at the extent of the angel's wings, his legs crossed.

after a few minutes of soft speaking from the multi-ghoul, the angel started to relax her wings, resting them around her body, revealing the rest of her features.

swiss pushed away every lavacious thought the brewed due to her beauty, smiling softly at the fallen.

"there we go. everything's okay, right?" swiss tilted his head. the fallen nodded slowly, squinting slightly to try and get a better look at swiss in the darkness.

"it's getting a bit cold, isn't it?" swiss asked. the angel nodded, realizing that she had been shaking. "how about i take you back to my home and get you warm. there will be other ghouls there but you won't have to talk to anyone. i'll keep you hidden." swiss offered, hoping he could keep up his promise of keeping you hidden from the other ghouls.

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