꒰ ͜͡➸ they accidentally hurt you

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- freezes.
- like, dead stop. he's spending the next few moments processing what he just did and 'oh my satan she's gonna yell, and scream, and swat, and-'
- and then he starts reacting the way you're reacting. if you're crying, he's crying. if you're quiet, he's quiet. if you're yelling, then- well then he's cowering and praying to satan you won't leave him.

you laughed as rain told you a story from one of the tours, his hands gesturing wildly as he did so.

you grinned, looking over at your boyfriend only to get whacked in the face by one of his flailing hands.

you yelped, quickly holding your nose as tears welled in your eyes from the impact.

after a moment, you whimpered, the pain of the impact hitting you hard as you realized you'd probably be bruised from the hit.

as you felt tears run from your eyes, you felt something run from your nose as well. you moved your hand to your cupid's bow, looking at your fingers.


you glanced up at rain after, your eyes softening as you saw rain's eyes wide, tears welling making his eyes glossy.

"oh, lucifer.." rain whispered, his voice cracking slightly. "r-rain, it's okay. it was just an accident-" you tried to reassure your ghoul, though you cringed at the taste of blood in your mouth, your nose scrunching which only made you whimper from the pain.

"oh, lucifer!" rain cried, hurrying forward and quickly cupping your face swiping his thumb under your nose to stop the blood, but it just speared the metallic substance across your face.

rain's cries turned to sobs as he frantically wiped at the blood. though as his cries became more intense, his form crumbled and he was holding himself up with his hands on your shoulders, his forehead pressed to your collar bone.

rain sobbed out pleas for you not to leave him and that it was an accident. he would never hurt you. he couldn't handle it.

rain promised himself he'd never hurt you, and now look at what happened. he smacked you in the face because he couldn't contain his excitement.

"rain.. hey, raindrop.." you whispered, finally regaining your bearings as you cupped the water ghoul's cheek and guided him to look up at you.

your ghoul made brief eye contact before he sniffled, shaking his head and closing his eyes tightly.


- swiss had been following around him all day, angering the earth ghoul.
- mountain hadn't had a moment of peace and it was getting to him.
- so when you showed up at the tree, he thought swiss had followed him there too and he snapped.

swiss had told you that he had pissed off mountain really bad, and told you that he was going off the way that your tree was.

you immediately made your way there, knowing that mountain wouldn't benefit from being alone while angry.

except, what you didn't know, is that was exactly what he needed.

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