꒰ ͜͡➸ how long it took them to ask you out / first date

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- about a month
- even though he heard the words come out of your mouth, he was still in a state of denial about your feelings for him.
- dew literally had to plan a whole mini date/hangout day. dew said that if it went well, rain had to properly ask you out.

you laughed happily as you laid your head in rain's lap.

your relationship had changed when you both confessed your feelings, but nothing was ever official. it was clear that you both were already exclusive, but no proper dates had happened.

rain smiled down at you, watching how your eyes lit up as you looked up at the starry sky. you both basked in the nighttime air, the winter chill not having much of an affect on you two.

you noticed rain staring, not having his helmet on proving to have one downside.

"what's up, raindrop?" you asked softly. rain smiled at the nickname that you occasionally threw out, a small blush forming on his face.

"you're just really pretty.." rain mumbled, his smile widening. you scoffed, playfully rolling your eyes as you sat up.

"it's true!" rain grinned, moving so you could see him. you smiled, shaking your head as you looked down at your lap. rain chuckled and pulled you close to him, snuggling into your shoulder as you both relaxed. you sighed contently, leaning into rain's body.

rain contemplated what to do next. it was clear that the night had gone well and you both were extremely happy with each other, but he couldn't tell if you were ready to make things official.

maybe you were scared of commitment. what then? well rain would wait for you.. he knew that much. but what if you had bad experiences with boyfriends in the past? then what? what if you stopped liking him when he asked you out. what would he do? what if-

"penny for your thoughts?" you cut of rain's mind from spiraling. rain let out a thankful sigh as he was brought back to the real world.

"would you want to go out with me?" rain asked, not being able to stop the words from spilling out of his mouth. from the bushes lining the woods of the ministry, he heard small, quiet cheers that sounded like dew and swiss. you didn't seem to notice.

"i'd love to. what did you have in mind?" you smiled happily, looking up at rain. the water ghoul was shell shocked, clearly not having any plans.

"it.. it's a surprise.. but tomorrow at around 5 is when i have everything set." rain lied. you smiled, nodding.

"it's a date, then." you whispered. rain smiled, snuggling into once more. though his smile quickly fell.

oh satan.. he has to plan the best first date in under 19 hours...



- he told you he'd wait for you.
- so he did.
- he waited for a month and a half, giving you unlimited time to come to him.

you sighed as you walked through the halls of the ministry to mountain's room.

you were finally ready. you had actually been ready. you were just scared mountain had lost his feelings for you. swiss managed to convince you that what you thought wasn't true at all and mountain was 'still madly in love with you' — according to the multi-ghoul.

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