꒰ ͜͡➸ important.

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hello !!

i'm sorry i've been gone so long. i believe the last time i updated was early june.

with that said, i hit a really really big writers block and i've basically just abandoned wattpad. i still check notifs and everything, but i haven't been able to write for a LONG time. i've also migrated over to ao3 and tumblr and lurk around there to read different ghost fics.

i'm honestly very sad to say that this oneshot collection is ending and i'm pausing Death's Remorse, my Rain fic. i'm not even sure if i'm going to finish that on wattpad. i might move it over to ao3.

i've been desperate to write, so i'm here to ask for prompts! if i write anything that i like, i'll post them to tumblr :)

both my ao3 and my tumblr are under the user "ravenssilver", so y'all can follow me if you want. no pressure, obviously!

this collection of ficlets was truly my outlet and escape from when everything was really hard. i wrote in school whenever i was so anxious i could hardly breathe, and i often read them back then and now whenever i want to feel the comfort that i gave myself while writing.

i'm so so happy that this reached as many people as it did. and for the people who commented on almost every ficlet (@/dance_with_ur_corpse , @/ElderGhoulette , @/Mychemcherry), thank you for being the backbone of my motivation to keep writing this, and the reason i'm so sad i can't anymore.

i think it's obvious that as you read through both the one shots and the preferences from start to finish in both sections, you can watch my motivation and love for writing slowly start to slip away.

i'm sorry to everyone who's request i didn't write. i'll post them here if i ever do write them <3

thank you again for reading this, i hope that everyone got as much joy from it as i did <3


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