꒰ ͜͡➸ you faint

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requested by @/JeanIsWrong and @/Kier_404 !!

a couple of these are inspired by a condition that i have. take a guess which lol

i don't even know if people get triggered by this, but i don't want to get yelled at by a bunch of chronically online demons, so, y'know, there will be descriptions of fainting in this.

like the title says.

i feel it is obvious what i'm about to write about.

my god, get off twitter, you whiny toddlers.

anyway, happy reading, hope the requesters are satisfied xx


- you had forgotten to eat for the day and your body was just exhausted, so down you went.
- honestly thinks you died for a second or two before he realizes your relatively fine.
- is quick to bring you to the kitchen and find some lightweight food for you.

you sighed in relief as you processed out of the chapel with rain after a particularly long ritual.

you sniffled slightly as you felt your sinuses ache, your joints joining in on the pain fest as you silently hoped rain wouldn't let you run into any walls in your fatigued state.

"dove, are you okay?" rain asked, gaining the attention of the rest of the ghouls as he held you up, keeping you from swaying.

"yeah, i'm fine.." you mumbled, your words slurred as you could barely keep your eyes open, a sudden dizziness taking over your skull.

everyone tried to mind their own, knowing it was really none of their business, but dew felt something was wrong in his stomach.

"hey, sparky," dew whispered softly as he shuffled over, placing his hand on your shoulder and slipping in one of the rare nicknames he gave you.

you hummed, looking over at him.

"are you sure you're feeling alright?" dew asked, glancing at rain to see a worried look on his face.

you paused for a moment, shaking your head as you stumbled forward, losing all sense of where you were.

"y/n!" rain yelped, quickly catching you with dew's help and lowering your unconscious body to the floor.

"hey, spark- y/n, wake up." dew whispered hastily as rain covered his mouth, his eyes wide as he stared at your unconscious face. "wake up," dew continued, his tail soothingly grazing rain's spine as all the ghouls rushed over.

rain leaned over you, placing his hand on your cheek, his eyes darting around your features.

"what the hell happened?" aether asked, his eyes wide. "she fainted." rain whimpered, brushing some of your hair out of your face. "why??" swiss asked, his voice panicked.

"mountain can check once she's up." dew hissed, surging some of his energy into you. rain felt relief rush through him as he felt your face start to heat up, your eyelids fluttering slightly.

"or aether," dew continued, honestly not thinking very well due to the stress.

"y/n??" rain called your name, brushing his thumb over your cheekbone. you whimpered softly, rain calling your name again.

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