꒰ ͜͡➸ you randomly hug them

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- he's been attached to your hip ever since he summoned you back—except for when he had to go to practice.
- rain had kept you in your shared room, scared that if you left you'd be attacked again.
- the other ghouls knew you were the sibling that had died in the attack, though your name wasn't spread around the church.
- what they didn't know, was that rain had brought you back and was hogging you all to himself.
- you missed the other ghouls and wanted to see them again. plus, being around others of your kin would help you adjust to your new body better, right?

you peaked your head into the practice room, rain immediately having his eyes on you.

the water ghoul waved you in as he rushed over, not wanting you to be out in the halls by yourself.

"what're you doing?" rain whispered, taking his bass off. you smiled, hugging him.

rain froze, his eyes welling with tears.

he was still scared—satan, he was terrified—but having you there hugging him immediately calmed all of his anxiety.

rain sighed shakily, dropping his bass as gently as he could and hugging you back. rain buried his face into your hair, pressing his cheekbone against your horns as a way to show affection.

"i'm okay, rain. we're inside where angels can't get us. everything's okay." you whispered softly, unknowingly letting out waves of calming energy.

rain's eyes drooped slightly as he hugged you even tighter, letting himself move so his nose was in the crook of your neck.

you pulled away after a moment or two, rain whimpering softly as your embrace slipped from him. you smiled, cupping his cheek, only to hear gasps of shock.

you looked over as rain turned around, seeing the rest of the ghouls staring at you in shock.



- he had gotten very protective of you—and while he gave you your freedom—he followed you and growled at anyone that got too close.

"mountain," you sighed softly as the tall ghoul growled at yet another sibling of sin, clearly scaring their soul out of their body. mountain looked at you, all tension in his body disappearing.

"i get that you're protecting me, but you need to chill with the siblings. i'm a ghoul now, they aren't going to try anything." you shook your head, smiling softly.

"i know.. i'm just scared.." mountain mumbled. you frowned, grabbing mountain's arm and pulling him into a hug. mountain sighed shakily, hugging you back.

"you don't need to be scared anymore. we're safe." you whispered. mountain nodded, squeezing you. you squeezed mountain back, barely pulling out of the hug to press a soft kiss to his lips.

mountain brought his hand up and cupped your jaw, grazing his thumb along your cheek.


- he hugs you a lot more after he summoned you back, seeing as it comforted both of you. usually he was the one to initiate it—it made him feel like he was protecting you with a simple touch.
- though, whenever you're feeling a bit overwhelmed or disconnected with the rest of the world as you adjusted to your new body, you went to aether for comfort.

your hands shook violently as you hurried to the common room, searching for aether.

his universal energy kept you in your own body whenever you were disconnected, the process of adjusting to your knew body being harder than expected.

"aeth..?" you whispered as you carefully stepped into the common room. aether looked up from his book, his eyebrows creasing as he saw how disassociated you were.

you rushed over to aether, not giving him any time to process or respond as you climbed into his lap and hugged him. aether wrapped his arms around you, immediately making you feel more grounded.

"it's alright, darling, i'm here. you're here in my arms and i won't let go till you tell me to." aether whispered soothingly.


- he loves physical attention, and he hadn't left your side since the two of you were reunited.
- everytime you touched the bond got stronger, and you both could feel it now. in turn, making swiss want to touch you even more.

you smiled at swiss as you walked over to him, giving the multi-ghoul a hug since you knew he would ask for one.

swiss' smile widened as he felt a flourishing feeling in his soul, his arms wrapped securely around you.

"i love it when you hug me.." swiss whispered. you laughed softly, leaning into him more. somehow, swiss' smile got even bigger as he hugged you tighter before picking you up.

you squealed as swiss easily moved you around in his arms, ending up with you on his back, his hands placed firmly on your thighs.

you grinned, resting your chin on swiss' shoulder and leaning your head against his. swiss smiled, starting off to your shared room.


- he's been emotional ever since you were brought back.
- when he found out that you had been back for a day before you reunited he was pissed as hell and took it out on aether, which ended as just as you imagine it would.

you sighed softly, rolling onto your side and wrapping your arms around dew.

you weren't sure if he was asleep or not. it was late and you both had gotten into bed an hour or so before now, but you wanted to return the hug he was giving you.

dew hummed, wrapping his arms around you tighter and pressing a kiss to the crook of your neck.

"i love you, angel.." dew whispered. "can you still call me that?" you laughed softly, trying to make dew smile.

your smile widened as you felt him grin into the crook of your neck, laughing softly as he whispered a gentle "shut up.." against your skin.

you giggled, squeezing dew as he wrapped his tail around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

"i love you too, dew."


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