꒰ ͜͡➸ you crash their car

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-a lifted truck brushed the side mirror and the driver was causing a scene as you called rain so he could come down and talk insurance.

"hello, dove. what's up?"

"rain please come to the mall. a guy brushed the side mirror and he's being-" you were cut off by the guy yelling.

"i brushed the mirror?! if you weren't taking up the whole lane this wouldn't have happened! i swear if you don't have insurance-" a low growl from rain pulled your attention from the guy back to your boyfriend.

"give me five minutes." rain grumbled, the sound of him and someone else leaving the ministry echoing in the background of his end of the call. "okay." you mumbled.

rain showed up at the mall exactly five minutes later, dew and swiss getting out of the multi-ghoul's car and hurrying over to you.

"are you okay?" swiss asked as rain pulled you into a hug. you nodded, dew sighing in relief before squaring his shoulders and holding his hands behind his back as he stared at the very angry man trying to get the ghouls' attention.

"you and i are going to have a talk." rain growled, stepping away from you and walking over to the man, a police car rolling up to moderate and collect statements.


- oddly enough, you were driving down a back road that was a shortcut to the ministry and a rockslide ensued on the cliff next to you.
-you skidded to a halt, but mountain's car was beaten up by pebbles, rocks, and some boulders.

you breathed heavily as you looked around the outside of mountain's car. you were trapped inside, the car being surrounded by boulders.

you yelped as a big rock fell on the top of mountain's car, the roof slightly hitting you in the head.

swallowing harshly at the sound of more rocks sliding on the edge of the cliff and the dizzy feeling in your skull, you quickly called mountain, begging he'd pick up.

"hello, love." mountain answered his phone, the ghouls around him shutting up as they watched a love struck smile cover his face.

they smiled softly at how happy the earth ghoul looked, but their smiles fell along with mountain's as you told him about the rock slide.

"satan, are you okay?!" mountain exclaimed as he shot up from the floor, slipping his boots on easily and grabbing his jacket. rain was quick to stand and follow the earth ghoul, the rest of the ghouls following the water ghoul's actions.

mountain's eyes widened as he saw the rock pile down the road, quickly unbuckling his seat belt and getting ready to get out of the car as soon as it stopped. aether tensed at the reckless action but kept his mouth shut, gripping the steering wheel as he subconsciously sped up.

just like mountain intended, as soon as aether stopped the car he jumped out, climbing over the boulders and seeing the rock on the roof of the car.

mountain's breath hitched as he froze, all the worst possible thoughts he could have coming to his mind.

"what? what happened?!" dew asked, struggling to climb up the boulders as easily as mountain had. the fire ghoul had snapped mountain out of his shock, his breath shaking as he exhaled; "no.."

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