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Ambrose 'Bambi' Smith was perfectly imperfect. With her brown and green eyes- that eye thing some people have -her bubbly laugh that just makes you so giddy inside, her award winning smile, and her out there personality it would be hard to find her imperfections.

Even I have a hard time finding them, and I've been drooling over her since I was in the ninth grade.

The snort she'd do when she laughs too hard, letting you know that she was close to wheezing (almost like a broken vacuum) and making you laugh with her if you weren't already.

The fullness of her face that she constantly complained about because she felt like it made her look like a child.

The stretch marks on her stomach, thighs, and arms that honestly didn't detour anyone away from her. I sure as hell didn't care when I noticed her weight gain and loss.

At one point she complained her voice was 'too deep' and she didn't like it. I don't know what she's talking about, though. Once saw a guy pop a boner cause she said his name. Her voice makes your clothes just poof away. Depending on the tone, of course.

Anyways, physical appearance drew people in, her personality is what made them stay.

She once helped a random homeless man get back on his feet, all because he was there. That's it, she saw him sitting on the corner and decided 'hey, I'm gonna help that man out.' Of course her dad gave her an earful about bringing strangers home, but he helped her either way.

If I'm being honest, she was my restraint against diving headfirst into drugs after my dad passed. Then she moved away. Just up and left. Her dad stayed behind, she'd come and visit everyone. But it wasn't the same as having her around all the time.

Surprisingly, she'd never met Fez. Even though I'm pretty sure they had a class together or something. Fez seems like he would be her type, no doubt that Bambi's his.

She was so involved in keeping her grades up that if you weren't already her friend, you probably wouldn't have found a way to actually talk to her. Luckily I made friends with her wayyyy before she went all nerdy.

Her dad is trans. Female to male. And Bambi is actually his kid. Let's just say that her dad's past was very traumatic, mainly due to his parents that he cut off after completing the transition.

He had Bambi when he was fifteen, through a night that would never be talked about without Bambi wanting to get violent. As soon as he turned eighteen, he left the house to raise her. Bambi was there throughout the transition, so she watched her father become himself before finally cutting all ties with his family.

Many people thought it'd mess her up, make her want something like that. Bambi was just happy that her dad was happy. She hated the nights where he'd breakdown because he had to ask his parents for money to feed her because the surgery cost a lot. She hated seeing him uncomfortable with the use of his deadname, because he had to dress up as his parents 'daughter' to see them.

She resented her grandparents for what they put her dad through. And that resentment was set in stone when they called him 'she' in front of her. A seven year old is surprisingly strong, I'll leave it at that.

Bambi was seen as a sweetheart. But that sweet side turned sour if anyone talked shit about her dad. In fact, it turned so sour if they mentioned anything about his past self. She once beat a girl into the hospital because she deadnamed and misgendered her dad on purpose. Even after being corrected.

I'd say that Bambi's temper was her biggest imperfection. There was no 'annoyed' or 'irritated' with her. She went straight to being pissed. Or maybe I just haven't seen her be annoyed or irritated.

If that's the case, then her bluntness was her biggest imperfection. And her inability to think before she speaks. There was a five percent chance that she'd stop and think about what she wanted to say and how it would affect the person, a two percent chance that she'd catch herself before it got too bad, and a nintey three percent chance that she'd just say what she was thinking with the most deadpan face you've ever seen.

But to me, Bambi was perfect.

So imperfect that she was perfect.

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