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Marquis was in love with Tyrone before he'd gone through his transition. In fact, they were close to dating when everything happened.

"I'm so sorry." Marq sobbed as he held Ty in his arms, Ty's father lowering the gun he had pointed at his head. "I'm so sorry, Ty."

His arm throbbed, but the only thing he could focus on was Ty as he cried.

"Her name is redacted!" His dad hit Marq with the gun, Ty screaming and covering him as they cried. "And she will always be a woman!"

"I'm so sorry, Ty." Marq sobbed again, feeling thoroughly disgusted with himself. He couldn't even find comfort in Ty's arms as his father yelled at them and kept hitting them, the two of them trying their best to cover each other.

"It's okay, Mar. It's okay."

That night was traumatizing for the both of them, but it was also the night that created Bambi. Not that either of them knew yet.

"It's not your fault, Mar. I want you to know that, okay?" Ty was holding Marq as he cried, the two of them having a few minutes to spare before he left for France. "None of this is your fault, baby."

"I-I should've fought harder." He cried, hugging him tighter. Ty cooed, kissing his cheek and rubbing his back. "A-and now I'm leaving before I can-"

"It's okay, Mar. I love you, okay?" Ty said softly, picking Marq's head up from his shoulder and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "I love you, and nothing will change that."

"But I....I took advantage of you..."

"Marquis you were being held at gun point. You had a fucking bullet wound in your arm, and I told you it was okay." Ty snapped, Marq falling quiet. "I told you to do it. He held you at gun point and I gave you consent."

"It was forced consent."

"And you were forced into doing what you did." Ty wiped his tears with his sleeve, Marq nuzzling into his hand. "Look at you, getting all soft on me. You're so cute."

"Stoooop." Marq groaned, Ty laughing when he adverted his gaze. "...I love you too."

"I know."

A week later is when Ty found out he was pregnant. Marq had to give up trying to move back, seeing as Ty literally cursed him out for wanting to give up on what he went to France for so quickly.

It was a stupid family business (the gang) that he'd tried to get out of once hearing the news. And his parents understood, but convinced him to stay by telling him he'd make enough money to support Ty and the baby.

"Forever our sweet redacted." Ty ignored his mother, looking down at the baby in his arms in awe. Marq came back into the room (y'all think I would let him miss out on his child's birth? Nope.) with a small smile, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"She's so beautiful, my love."

"Get outta my ear with that voice before I give you another one." Ty warned, Marq laughing. Bambi made a little noise, her eyes peeking open a bit. "What the hell? Where green come from?"

"Are both- it's just one?" That stumped the both of them. As far as they knew, no one in their family had heterochromia. "...I'm kinda jealous."

"Kinda? Man, I'm mad. Hold yo child."

Ty's parents thought that him having Bambi would stop him from transitioning. Truthfully, it just landed him one of the best jobs of his life.

"Dada work now!" It was almost like Bambi knew who Ty really was. Instead of calling him 'mom' or 'momma,' her first word was 'dada.' And Ty thought she was talking about Marq, but she called him 'papa' when she first saw him again.

"Bambi work too." Ty said, helping her into the mini uniform some of the workers made her. If the restaurant thought it was packed before, they'd somehow gathered more customers after one worker had the bright idea to let Bambi help bring out some orders.

"Yay! Bami work wit Dada!" She clapped excitedly, Ty smiling when she ran back over to his phone. Marq was on it, smiling at the camera when Bambi popped back up. "Me work now!"

"Work? Let me see." Ty held the phone up and Bambi twirled around to show off her uniform, Marq taking some pictures. "Aw, have fun at work, petit."

"Papa have fun work too!" Bambi blew a kiss at the camera, running off to get her little work shoes and jacket.

"Yeah, Papa have fun at work too." Ty said as he flipped the camera, Marq laughing a bit.

"You too, amoureux." Ty smiled shyly, looking down at the ground. "You cut your hair?"

"Bambi got gum and some other shit stuck in it. I'm convinced her ass wanna fight." He heard her coming before he saw her, Bambi swinging a punch to his leg and making him drop his phone. "Dammit! You got damn- oooo girl move."

"Dada say fight." She shrugged, running back to her room.

Marq was the whole reason why Ty was able to enter his twenties as himself. A man.

"Dada wear this." They were getting ready for a school day, the parents allowed to come in and sit with their kids. It made everything better considering Ty and Bambi were attached to each other. "With this."

"Aw, you're making us match." Ty said after putting on the outfit, Bambi grinning as he pressed kisses to her face. "What should we eat for dinner?"

"Can we go out and eat?"

"Okay." They stopped when they opened the front door, Marq nervously standing there about to knock. He'd been MIA for a few months. "Can we help you, sir?"

"Yeah, tir. Can we help you?" He sighed in relief, scooping Bambi up and bringing Ty in for a hug. "Miss you, Papa."

"Papa miss you too." He sounded like he was gonna cry, Ty giggling a bit and wiping one of his tears. "Don't say nothin."

"But it's fuuuuuun."

Marq stayed with them for a while, and those were probably the best few months they've had. Their little family was whole again.

"I don't want you to leave." It was a week after Bambi's seventh birthday, the three of them standing in the airport as they tried to get her to stop crying. "I wan' you to stay forever."

"One day, we'll all be together forever."


"I promise."

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