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"What's the emergency? You dying?" Bambi huffed as she met up with Kat outside of Fez's store, dressed in her running clothes.

Fez was in for a fucking sight. A sweaty Bambi? In spandex and a sports bra?

Fuck, I'm drooling thinking about it.

"No. The thing I talked to you about." Kat hissed, Bambi nodding her head as she caught her breath. She was clutching an empty water bottle and Kat could see why she said she needed a refill when she texted about meeting up. "I need to ask Ashtray something. Maddy said he'd know."

"Yeah, I can help with that." Bambi said as she cracked her neck, leading the way into the store. Fez looked up when the door opened, eyes nearly bulging as they ran over Bambi's figure. "Hey, Fez. Ash! Got someone here for you, pookie!"

"Workin out?" He guessed, Bambi flashing him a thumbs up and heading to get a bottle of water. And a snack since she'd been out all day. "Damn."

"Mhm." Kat agreed, Ash joining them a few seconds later. His face scrunched in confusion, wondering if he was hallucinating being called out there by Bambi.

"Boo." Bambi dodged the punch he threw over his shoulder, giggling as he glared at her. "Hey pookie."

"Stop doin that shit." He grumbled, turning back and looking at Kat. "Whatchu want?"

"I wanted to know if you knew anything about Bitcoin?" She asked, voice raising in pitch as he blankly stared at her.

"Fez, unblock me on Cashapp so I can send you the money."

"It's onna house."

"Let me paaaaaay."

"Yeah. What about it?" Ash ignored Bambi arguing with Fez about paying for the upteenth time, also choosing to ignore his brother's little grin as they went back and forth.

"What is it?"

"Bam, gimme my damn lighter."

"Lemme pay then."

"Bam-" Fez moved back when she almost took his blunt, the two of them fighting over the lighter.

"It's a worldwide cryptocurrency and digital payment system." Ash continued, bringing Kat's eyes away from Fez and Bambi. Fez had managed to get her into a headlock, Bambi flailing around to keep the lighter out of his reach.

"I have no idea what you just said."

"Only way to explain it." Fez got the hand with the lighter, making Bambi light it so he could smoke.

"Look, why don't you juss tell us what you tryna do, an' we can tell you how we can help." Fez spoke up, one arm drapped around Bambi's neck and the other one in his pocket.


"Unless it's human trafficking." Ash said, looking her up and down skeptically. "I don't fuck with human trafficking."

"I'm not...human trafficking." Kat said, a bit of questioning in her tone as she glanced over at Bambi.

"Yeah, us neither."

"Child labor, on the other hand." Fez rolled his eyes, placing the blunt in his mouth and pushing her away from him.

"Okay, um....I was just wondering...if it's, like, a good way to anonymously get money online?"

"That's literally what it's made for." Ash scoffed, Kat smiling a bit. "Dumbass."


"It's crazy how when I come in with Ro, y'all let him pay. But with me I'm blocked on all transactions." Bambi scoffed when Kat left, pointing between the two of them.

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