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"Titties!" Weird greeting, but that was how Bambi and Ash sometimes greeted each other. She tossed him a bag, no doubt the lunch she'd made that he asked for. "Still coming by later to make dinner?"

"Comin by later to supervise Fez making dinner." Bambi corrected, Ash groaning. The only time the brothers ever got some of Bambi's cooking was when she'd been in the mood for something and didn't want to spend money. "He's good."

"Yeah, but you're better."

"You're so mean to him."

Honestly if I wouldn't have been out in the rain, maybe this would've gone a completely different way.

"Listen, ma. You gotta go." Fez had stepped away to look at his phone, Ash and Bambi looking up at him from making the apple turnovers. Bambi nudged Ash, the boy snapping his glare from his brother to put the pastries in the oven. "Supplier makin a surprise drop."

"Oh, I thought you were breaking up with me." Bambi said, a little laugh leaving her at the confusion on his face.

"We not eve- bro what the hell do you mean 'breaking up?'" Fez asked, completely forgetting that he'd just said their supplier was making a drop soon. "How would that even work?"

"I don't know, but just know you can't get rid of me, bookie." She booped his nose, phone in hand and keys twirling around her finger as she made her way to the door. "Swing by after he leaves?"

"Hell yeah, we got food to eat." Ash spoke for him, following her instructions of setting the oven to a lower temperature so the turnovers wouldn't bake too fast or be ready too soon.

"Aight, just- oop well daaaamn." Bambi caught herself before Rue could knock on her face, the younger teen smiling at her. "Hello to you too Miss Rue."

Fez and Ash were currently bustling around to prepare for Mouse's arrival, making sure guns were where they needed to be and money was there.

"Fez in there? I just need a couple OC's, maybe some dry clothes."

By completely different, I mean Bambi wouldn't possibly have another body on her hands.

She got up to a lot in France.

"Well he's out of drugs right now, but if you wanna swing by with me later we can get you that and some food." Bambi offered, trying to turn Rue around. "And I can get you some dry clothes at my place."

"You sure he's out? He's gotta have somethin."

"Yo, what the fuck?"

"Rue!" The girl pushed past Bambi, flying into the apartment in a frenzy to look for the drug she wanted while Fez yelled at her to leave. "It's like chasing a rabid fucking dog."

"Yo, for real, Rue. I ain't fuckin playin witchu. Come on." Fez snapped, Bambi's mouth dropping a bit as she looked between the two of them.

"Yeah, you like girls for real cause I would've folded." She said, the two of them looking at her blankly. "My bad, come on Miss Gworl. We gotta go."

"Look, Bam, I'm fuckin drenched and we're already here." Rue said, turning to Fez and offering him a lame shrug. "And, uh, Fez. I'm out of't be a dick."


"Oh my god, that's not my fucking problem!" Fez yelled.

(Quick Bambi thought: it's no longer purring this bitch is WAILING)

"Y'all gotta get out my house before these muhfuckers come through."

"Rue he cuttin his short words shorter, you boutta piss this man off. We should leave." Bambi said as Rue flopped onto the couch.

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