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After the picnic and finding out what was wrong with McKay, Bambi had broken the news to Marq and Ty. And the part where McKay said he didn't want them physically injured or dead. They didn't like that, but respected his decision.

The next week Nate decided that he wanted to confront her head on, when she had no one else around. Which was hard to do because she always had someone, but he'd managed to get her by herself.


"I am not in the mood to tolerate whatever bullshit you're gonna shoot at me, Jacobs." Bambi whirled on Nate, eyes cold as she glared at him. "Stop fucking bothering me. News flash, not everyone has to forgive you and sweep everything you do under a fucking rug."

"I just want us to be friends again." Nate pushed, Bambi scoffing and crossing her arms.

"We will never be friends again, okay? Not even close." He was becoming annoyed, all of his attempts to get her to forgive him were literally feeble. "Why the fuck would I want to be your friend after seeing who you actually are?"

"Bambi, I've done nothing wrong." Another scoff, Nate's jaw clenching as she threw her hands up and turned to walk away.

"Lying son of a bitch." He grabbed her shoulder, spinning her around and making her look at him. He was fuming, looking around before pulling her off to the side of the store she'd just exited. (Fez where tf you at? Got cameras and ain't even lookin 😐)

"Listen, I'm trying to be nice here. You're really starting to piss me off." Bambi scoffed, slapping his hand off of her and leaning against the wall.

"Face it, we're not good friends. I can't even stand looking at you. What the hell was I thinking?" Bambi muttered the last part to herself, wondering why she gave him a second chance. She dragged a hand over her face, irritation starting to kick in. "I can forgive you for what you said, but I don't want to be friends with you."

"But we were great friends." He got her to talk, now he had to convince her to give him one last chance. "Just-"

"I'm not giving you another chance. I'm literally surrounded by people who have positive impacts on my life. You're negative. Everything about you is negative." Bambi said, holding a hand up to stop him from getting closer. "And once again, I don't want to be friends. Not even acquaintances."

"What are you saying?" She opened her mouth to say something, her brain kicking in before the harsh words could leave her mouth.

"Just forget it. Stop trying to force me to be your friend again, it's not gonna work. I'm a totally different person than I was last year." She said instead, moving to leave. Nate slammed his hand on the wall, blocking her from leaving. He was seeing red at this point.

"Why are you so fucking stuck up!?"

"Move the fuck outta my way before I get violent." Bambi snapped, her eyes snapping to meet his. "I'm not playin, fuck on."

"Fuck you, I just wanna be your friend again! I miss you, Bambi." She snatched her arm away when Nate grabbed it, his jaw clenching as he caged her in. Bambi shoved his face back when he leaned closer, not enough to make him move but enough force to keep him away from her face. "You're gonna tell me you don't miss us? Nate and Bambi?"

"I wish I never fucking met you!" She finally snapped, feeling uncomfortable enough to finally shove him back. Nate stumbled and nearly fell, Bambi pushing him again. "You thought intimidation was gonna work? Do you even fucking know me? You think you could scare me?"

"I wasn't trying to scare you!" He shoved her back, Bambi barely moving as she smacked his hands away from her.

"I don't want or need you in my fucking life, Jacobs! Get that through your thick head! I don't rely on you, you bring nothing but negativity to me, and you're fucking weird!" She snapped, putting enough space between them.

"Oh, but you have no problems being friends with Aaron."

"Because Aaron isn't as fucked up as the rest of you. He's tolerable."

"And what about your drug dealer and his junkie?" Bambi's eyes went cold, her hands shaking before she took a deep breath. "Pretty sure that would be negative."

"If they were negative, would they still be around me?"

Exactly. I was unstable and even I know to stay away from her if all I'm gonna do is be negative. Nate's just a fucking idiot.

"Dealing with a slow ass dropout isn't exactly positive, Bambi. At least you made it to college." Her jaw clenched as he continued, tilting her head to the side.

"Easy to speak when you don't have a family to take care of. Do you even care about your family?" Her tone was calm but dead, eyes blank as her hands relaxed at her sides.

"I care." Nate snapped taking a step towards her.

"Then why the fuck are you runnin your mouth like that?" She harshly spat, watching him flinch back. "Keep talkin, I'll gladly run your entire family to the ground. I'll make it so you won't be able to live anywhere without being shunned. It'll feel like the old days when a whole village turned against you if you keep fucking talking."

His words caught in his throat, searching her face for any sign that she was joking. Any sign that she wasn't actually threatening him right now.

"I'm done with this conversation. Never speak to me again." And she finally walked off, heading back into the store after stopping by Fez's car to get his lighter.

"You good?" Fez asked when she slid the lighter to him, Bambi humming as she picked up her ice cream with a grin. "Took a while."

"Got caught up talking to someone." She didn't elaborate, Fez nodding as he caught sight of Nate's truck speeding away. He knew that Bambi's bad mood had something to do with him. "Want me to roll my pretty blunt?"

"Only if you gon' smoke it wimme." Bambi grinned, setting her empty carton down and taking his rolling tray from him.

"We...gonna get... fucked up!" Bambi sang as she started breaking up the weed, moving some of the seeds to the side. It was from her plant, Bambi letting Fez keep some for himself. And Ash if he wanted some (Fez stingy ass didn't tell him abt that). "How fucked up?"

"Fuuuucked up." He finished her little song for her, Bambi smiling as she held up her masterpiece. "Past fucked up."

"Too faded to think is the way to be."

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