𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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"Royce is chillin with Ash, you wanna see him?" Bambi was huffing as she helped Maddy outside and into her car, having just finished beating the shit out of Nate.

"I gotta go." Bambi spoke after receiving Maddy's 'sos' message, grabbing her keys as Fez sat up. They were all chilling in the living room, watching a movie and eating the food Royce made. "I'll be back."

"Where you goin?" Fez got up, intending to go with her. Bambi stopped him, pressing a kiss to his cheek before leaving.

Maddy quickly placed her phone down before Nate turned around, sparing a glance to her window to make sure it was still open. Fear was racing through her, her ex standing in front of her with a gun in hand.

"Where's the necklace I gave you?" Her blood ran cold at his question, knowing that she pawned it off after she got home on her birthday.

"I left it at Bambi's. She said she would polish it. We were in her garden." Her voice came out weak, eyeing him warily as he picked up the chain Royce gave her. A bitter chuckle left him as he turned to her, holding it up.

"Your little toy give you this?" She stayed quiet, Nate nodding and throwing it back on her vanity as his eyes zeroed in on the earrings she was wearing. "He give you those too? Huh?!"

"Please don't do this." Maddy cried as he pressed the gun to her forehead, clasping her shaking hands together on her lap as she closed her eyes. "Please, Nate."

"You still love me?" He put more pressure on her head, a sob breaking through her lips. She couldn't lie to him.

"No, assface." Bambi came in through the window, rushing him before he could react. She knocked the gun out of his hands, Maddy slumping in relief as her cries got louder and harder to control. "You keep fuckin with everyone I care about."

She grabbed his hair, bashing his head into the floor. Nate groaned before swinging at her, hitting her arms and trying to get her off.

"Stupid stuck up bastard." Bambi growled as she started swinging on him, wanting to re-fuck up his face. She only got up when he stopped fighting back, kicking his ribs and watching him curl up with a groan. "You should be lucky. Or, pray Royce doesn't get his hands on you."

Maddy grabbed her phone and the chain Royce gifted her, Bambi grabbing her a jacket before they went downstairs.

"Please." Maddy couldn't stop crying. She thought Nate would actually kill her. Bambi squeezed her hand, pulling up to Fez's house moments later.

"Come on, dry your face. Royce made chivo guisado picante. Emphasis on the spice." Maddy laughed, taking the napkin Bambi offered and checking herself over in the mirror. Her face was slightly puffy, enough that she could play it off as a nap.

"Good, I'm hungry." They held hands as they entered the house, the boys looking back at them. Royce's face lit up when he saw Maddy, opening his arms for her.

"My love!" He squeezed her in a hug, unknowingly giving her the comfort she needed at the moment. "Hungry?"

"Yeah, I could eat."

"I've never seen her so shy." Bambi mumbled as Royce led Maddy to the kitchen, leaning back as Fez laid on her again. Ash sat on the floor in front of them again, Bambi's arm sort of wrapped around him.

"What happened?" Royce nonchalantly said as he spooned some of the food into a bowl, Maddy freezing as she placed with her ring. "Amby leaves, comes back with you. Her knuckles are bruised which means she fought, but not you."

"Why couldn't you be less observant?" Maddy sighed, Royce placing the bowl on a plate before turning to her. "It was..... there was a problem with Nate."

"What." Maddy's eyes widened at the cold tone Royce spoke with, looking up at him. His eyes were set, darting over her face. "Did he hurt you?"

"No, no. It was nothing, Bambi handled it."

"You're leaving something out." Royce was very observant, and Maddy liked that about him. It's how he picked up on her favorite foods, how he knew certain topics were uncomfortable for her to speak on. "What did he do, my love?"

"He held her at gun point. Pressed directly to her forehead." Bambi's voice came from the doorway, Maddy suddenly feeling very suffocated as she stood between the two of them. "Stay calm, I took care of him. That's all he did, nothing else. He didn't hit her. He didn't touch her."

Royce's nose flared before he reluctantly nodded, his gaze softening as a frown covered his face.

"You have a bruise."

"Please don't remind me." Bambi ground out, her jaw clenched as she went to the fridge to get drinks. Royce turned to Maddy.

"She hates people hitting her in the face. It makes her wanna...." He trailed off, using one hand to hold her food before making a slicing motion across his neck. Maddy giggled, reaching for the plate before he moved back. "No way. It's hot."

"The plate?"

"It's heavy." Bambi snorted at that, leaving the kitchen with a laugh. Maddy smiled, starting to feel the love she always felt when she was with Royce. (It's been a few weeks (maybe a month, tryna see how far I can push these skips) since Royce arrived)

Is it weird to say she liked him liked him?

"Okay, Ro. You can carry it." He beamed, using one hand on the small of her back to lead her back to the living room.

"Aw, where's the little one?" Royce set Maddy's food on the coffee table, a pout on his face when he noticed Ash was gone.

"He got bored, he wants to play his game." Bambi mumbled, fully invested on the movie as Fez was sleeping on her chest. He looked completely at ease, little snores leaving him as Bambi absentmindedly rubbed his scalp.

The three of them quietly watched the rest of the movie, Maddy eating slowly since she almost spilled it from not paying attention.

Ash joined them for the second movie and for a moment, they looked like a family.

For once, everything was perfect.

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