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When I say Bambi doesn't play about Ty, I mean she will literally beat you to death if that's what it takes.

"Apologize." Ambrose held the boys face up towards her father, the boy crying and trying to blubber out an apology. Ty was trying to calm her down, not even paying attention to the boy. "No, Dad. He needs to learn his place. Apologize."

"I-I'm sorry!"

"Connor! Connor, oh my god! What are you doing to my son!"

"Apology accepted. Ambrose, let's go." Ty sternly said when the boys mother finally made it to the class. Ambrose slammed his head back into the desk, the boy sobbing as she grabbed her things. "Another school gone."

"These kids are gonna learn. You my dad. You are he. And I will beat up anyone who say different, starting with David and Chelsea." Ambrose angrily grumbled. She doesn't know how a bunch of third graders know about her dad's past, but she'll gladly beat some sense into the 'funny' ones. "Sad ecuses-"


"Excuses fo parents." She crossed her arms as he buckled her in. Ty hadn't fully finished the transition, mainly using baggy clothing to hide his body so he wouldn't have to hear anything about anything. "I hate them."

"Hate is a strong word, baby."

"Tyrone is the name of the skrongest man I know!" Ambrose exclaimed, not noticing that she was making him tear up. "Dats why I calls you Ro. Because yo name is skrong juss like you."

"Call, not calls."

"Oh, I didn't mean to make you cry." Bambi's voice got small, her own eyes stinging when she heard the break in his voice. "I try not to hit them, I really do."

"Not that, sweetheart." Ty cooed, reaching back and wiping her tears when they stopped at a stoplight. "Dada's so lucky to have you."

"I'm lucky to have my dada."

"I'm Bambi."

Honestly, when she approached me I thought she was gonna make fun of me. Y'know, for sitting alone. But she didn't.

"Like the deer?" The curly haired girl asked her, looking up at her. It was her first day of middle school and she's already got an older kid coming up to her.

"Yeah, my dad's got some jokes." Bambi said, patiently waiting for her to introduce herself.

"Rue." She said, moving her bag so she could sit down.

"Well, Rue. I'm taking you under my wing. Anyone have a problem with you, they've got a problem with me. Got it?" Bambi said, remaining standing. Rue nodded quickly, a smile breaking out on Bambi's face. It made Rue's own smile slowly come on. "I told my dad I could be scary. But I'm serious, we're friends now."


"I don't want to work with someone who's 'dad' used to be their mom." One of the girls snickered. Fez was honestly so out of his mind, he probably wouldn't be able to recall this day if he were asked.

"Fuck did you just say?" Bambi slammed her hands on her desk, shooting up from her seat and turning to face her. If looks could kill, that girl would've been past dead. "Say it a-fucking-gain. I dare you."

"Your mom's real name is redacted. She should stop trying to be something she's not." The girl continued, standing from her seat with a cocky smile on her face.

"My dad's real name is Tyrone. You should stop speaking on him while you still have teeth." At that moment, Ambrose was peeking out. Bambi was the sweet girl everyone saw, Ambrose was the sour one no one wanted to meet. "This is yo last chance."

"Or what? Gonna tell mommy?" Ambrose made her way down the aisle and smacked the girl so fast no one had time to even blink. And she didn't stop there, the moment the girl came back from the slap she decked her on the opposite side.

At one point the girl grabbed her hair, scratching and even kicking her when her punches didn't have any impact on her. Ambrose just kept punching, even going as far as grabbing the girl by the front of her shirt when she backed up and yanking her into her fist.

"Oh shit." Fez started laughing when the girl went down, the teacher and two male students trying to pull Ambrose away. She was punching everywhere. Face, neck, chest, ribs. The only time she kicked was to move her legs away, and even that was done brutally.

"Stupid ass bitch." Ambrose huffed when they finally pulled her off, hearing someone calling an ambulance. She shrugged the guys off, grabbing her things and heading towards the door. "Anybody else got anything to say about my father you can step the fuck out the door. Do not fuckin play with me about him because I will fuck around and have y'all feedin from a tube."

The whole class went quiet, a few even going as far as avoiding her heated gaze when she looked at them.

"Oh, aight. Spread the word around too. Tell them they either line that shit up, or they better hope that jumpin shit kill me." She said, leaving the classroom and heading up to the office.

Somehow she didn't get expelled. She was suspended, but she got to return to school.

"I'm tired of people trying you, Dad. So from now on, whoever got somethin to say about you can step to me. Man or woman. Or nonbinary. Don't matter to me, they just better pray I don't kill they ass." Ambrose said as she climbed into the car, Ty sighing and shaking his head.

"Amb, I need you to stop this. You can't fight everyone that makes a comment about me." Ty tiredly said as he drove back to work, Ambrose staying quiet. "I'm serious, munchkin."

"But that's not fair. I've watched you take invalidation for so long, now I'm finally able to put a stop to it." Ambrose was crying, a mixture of sad and angry tears pouring down her face. "For so long you just had to deal with being someone else so other people could be satisfied. I'm not letting that happen anymore, Dad."

"Fuck man, you're making me cry." Ty said as he pulled into his parking lot, Bambi trying to stop herself from sobbing. "Dada's so lucky to have you, Bambi."

"I'm so lucky to have my dada."

Luckily for the two of them, no one had any other opinions on Ty. Even some of the adults stopped talking about him. If she was going to beat some girl near death, why would she care about a random teacher who isn't minding their business?

I think it was then that people realized that they wanted to keep pissed Bambi (aka Ambrose) away for as long as possible.

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