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"I'll let you know when I'm ready, 'kay?" Fez pulled into the driveway of the Howard residence, Bambi getting out and going to the driver's side to lean into the window.

"Don't fuck around 'nd start walkin." He mumbled, the two of them sharing a short kiss. He leaned forward when she pulled back, Bambi laughing when his hand came up to grab the chain he let her wear and pulling her back. "'M not jokin. Lotta weirdos out here."

"Mhm, promise." She said, pecking his lips again before making her way to the front door. Lexi swung it open, jumping on her as they laughed.

"Later, Fez!" Lexi called out as he pulled out of the driveway, the teen honking and waving before driving off. "Come on!"

"Happy fucking birthday, bitch!" Bambi yelled when she got inside, Maddy jumping on her as she spun around and pecked her lips. "You're glowwwwwing!"

"Ew, I know you kissed Fez." Maddy scrunched her nose, wiping her lips as Bambi laughed. "And Royce is literally so sweet! He got me this chain and a pair of earrings! And something else that I didn't open yet."

"Aw, he cares." Bambi said as she set her down, hugging her again. "And he loves spoiling people, by the way."

Royce absolutely hated shopping in stores.

But for Maddy, he'd suffer through it just to see her smile.

"Love the fit, Bambi." Kat said as she hugged her, Bambi grinning. She let Ash pick out her outfit. She wore a tan brown crop-short sleeved turtleneck, brown baggy sweats (that she may have stolen from Ty), a white and brown puffer jacket, and brown high top Nike's.

"Thanks, my son picked it out." She gushed, going around to hug everyone else. Even Cassie, even though it was a little awkward. They all moved on to sing happy birthday, Bambi in between Suze and Lexi with her arms around their shoulders.

"Aw, loooook!" Maddy squealed when she got to Bambi's gift, her eyes tearing up when she pulled out the purse she was saving up for. Bambi rubbed her shoulder, Maddy throwing an arm around her and squeezing her in a hug. "Thank you."

"Pretty sure that's nothing compared to whatever Royce got you." She said with a laugh, passing her Royce's unopened gift. Maddy's face warmed when seeing what she got, quickly putting the lid back on the box. "What is it?"

"Just a new jacket." She lied, not wanting to tell the cousin of the guy she was talking to that he'd bought her the lingerie set she'd shown him. Maybe she should've known what it was when he asked her sizes. "He's so sweet."

Maddy finished opening her presents, keeping Royce's close to her as she opened Cassie's scrapbook of their friendship. They took pictures on the staircase, making their way into the living room.

"Soooo, am I gonna be an aunt?" Lexi teasingly asked as she laid her head on Bambi's lap, Kat's brows shooting up as her mouth dropped a little.

"Y'all are going raw?"

"No! No. N- maybe?" She thought back, wondering if they'd used a condom the last time they fucked. "Doesn't matter, I'm not pregnant. Am I gonna be an aunt?"

"Y'all are fucking?!" Kat whisper yelled, patting Lexi's leg excitedly when her face warmed. "Oh my god oh my god!"

"Condoms, guys. They exist." Was all she offered, covering her face when they gasped.

Nate showed up late to the party, but he gave Maddy his gift either way. Not that it topped Royce's gifts.

"No, just smack it on the ca- oop." Bambi cut herself off when Nate walked into the kitchen, Fez raising his brows when she made a face. "Now I gotta change the subject."

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