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"You good?" Bambi had asked Fez to meet her at the park, the teen (mans is like, nineteen. I do my research) finding her on the swings and staring out at nothing.

"In France, I joined my papa's extended family. Gang, Mafia, group. Doesn't matter, they're family." She said when he sat down, still staring into space. "It gave me something to do. Had too much knowledge, too many questions."

"Kill someone?" He couldn't help but ask. It was Bambi, there was no way he'd believe she did that.

"More than one. The first was an actual cousin. He tried to give me up to some rivals. Enemies. Y'know what some do to women, don't you?" She turned her head slightly, Fez nodding since he knew she could see him. "Told 'im I wasn't going down without a fight. Except he had a gun, I had nothing."

He stayed quiet, following her stare to a person. He was leaning against the lamppost, lighting up for a smoke before waving at him.

"I killed him, of course. It was life or death. It....it made me scared of myself." She admitted, squinting a bit. "I've never fought for myself before, it was always on someone else's behalf. But to kill someone for my own life? And so easily too. I felt nothing, just walked away when I was sure he was dead."

This was her way of trusting him, her way of basically confessing her feelings. The deeper part of the liking, the part so close to love.

"But I figured if killing my own flesh and blood was easy, I could finally go on to the bigger tasks. The things with more risks. So I did. And I was the best." She sighed, pushing herself to swing once she started slowing down. "But eventually Papa realized that he didn't want me to grow up like that. He gave me a choice, and I chose to come back here. Because I was afraid that if I stayed there, I wouldn't be Bambi or Ambrose. I'd quite literally be a dead woman walking."

"Why are you tellin me this?" Bambi tilted her head before shrugging.

"Because I like you. And I would rather you run away now before we get too involved." They were already too involved.

"Run away? If I wanted to run, I woulda ran when you punked Mouse." Fez scoffed, trying to get her to look at him. "Bam, look at me."

"No." Bambi said, resting her head on one of the chains as she slowly swung her legs. "I'm scared, Fez. What if you go home tonight and decide that you will run?"

"I live with a homicidal preteen. Who has access to guns."

"Ash hasn't killed anyone. You should never have to do that." She mumbled, her eyes welling with tears. "It's so crazy how a few months changed me. Do you know how many people I killed?"

"Bam, I honestly don't care." He sighed, deciding to swing with her. "And if you kill someone tomorrow, that ain't my business."

"That's Uncle John. Papa sends him down sometimes to keep an eye on us. Make sure we're safe." John was walking over, checking his watch as he blew smoke from his cigar. "He lives next door to us."

"Il est temps d'entrer, gamin." His voice was gruff, eyes blocked with shades as he had a beanie on his head.

"Take those off, Unc. You look like an ass." Bambi mumbled, finally looking at Fez. "You walk here?"

"Yeah, close to mine." Ash was already sleeping over at Bambi's, having enjoyed his time making desserts and learning some French enough to be knocked out by sunset.

"Come, you can stay over again. If you want." Bambi said, shoving her hands in her pockets and adverting her gaze to the ground. She seemed timid, almost like the first time they'd met.

"Ah, is this Fez?" John loudly asked, patting Fez on the back with a loud laugh. "You got Marq to like you, man! You are family! Tu parles français?"

"He doesn't speak a hint of it." Bambi said when Fez looked at her, John laughing again and patting his shoulder as he stood between them.

"No worries! Sir John will have you speaking it in no time!" He loudly exclaimed, Bambi motioning for him to quiet down as they walked. "Sorry, it's been a while since you've taken an interest in someone."

She cracked a smile, shaking her head as John talked Fez's ear off. He seemed to want to start teaching him right away, making Fez repeat after him every time he said something in French.

"Give him a break, Uncle. You can't teach him the whole language in thirty minutes." Bambi mumbled when they made it to her street, focusing on the rock she was kicking as John laughed.

"Good night, okay? Don't stay up too late you two." John winked at them before disappearing to his house, Fez catching Bambi's arm just as she went to open the door.

"I'm not goin nowhere, okay? You stuck with me." He mumbled, bringing her head up so he could see her. "And stop walkin with yo head down. Keep yo chin up."

"Mhm." She nodded, closing her eyes as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. A content sigh left her, Fez smiling and pressing another one to her nose before reaching around her and opening the door.

"I promise not to wake up early."



"Let me goooooo. I have to peeeee." Bambi groaned as she tried prying his arms off of her, Fez going back to sleep instead. "This is not what I thought you meant when you said I was stuck with you."

"Ssssshhhhhh, 'm tired." He mumbled, tucking her head back under his chin. He was close to drifting off again when he was rolled onto his back, peeking an eye open to see Bambi climbing over him. "Noooooo."

"I'm literally about to piss my pants." She whined, swatting his arms away and successfully making it out of her bed. Fez grumbled something, choosing to cuddle a pillow as she went to use the bathroom and brush her teeth. "You want breakfast?"

"Yeah." He was floating between being awake and fully going to sleep, Bambi planting a kiss on his lips before trying to move back to close the blinds. Fez's hand shot up and kept her there a few seconds longer, letting her go and turning on his side. "Can get used ta this."

"I'll wake you up when breakfast is done." She was a little flustered, closing her blinds and curtains before leaving the room to wait on Marq to finish cooking.

Boo bitch, I'm back.

Honestly, Bambi fell in love first. And probably harder than Fez considering she told him about what happened in France. Who am I kidding, Fez fell harder. Like, eating concrete type harder.

(I love my babies 😌)

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