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"Fuck am I walkin in on?" Fez asked when Ty used him as a shield, Bambi running into the room moments later looking as though she was gonna cry. "You good?"

"I-Il a tué mes bébés." She said, her voice cracking as a few tears finally fell down her cheeks.

Honestly, Bambi was the prettiest crier I've ever seen. I don't even think I can perfectly describe how pretty she looks. Like, her eyes get all glossy and her thick lashes look even thicker, and her lip just wobbles.

It'd make you fold if you saw it.

"Ion understand none of that, but Ty you fucked up." Fez said as he made his way over to her, Bambi accepting his hug as she started crying.

"Jesus, hide me it hurts when she cries." Ty said, turning away and covering his ears as Bambi cried. "I'm sorry, baby! I told you I read somewhere that cutting the stem makes it grow stronger!"

"Je- Je t'ai dit que j-je ne voulais p-as qu'ils soient coup-pés!" She stuttered, glaring at him as Fez rubbed her back. She even hiccuped, which showed that she was starting to cry too hard.

"What?" Fez mumbled, looking at Ash for some sort of insight.

"Avocados. They say cuttin the stem make 'em grow back stronger." He explained, his brother nodding as Bambi and Ty yelled back and forth.

"He cut all of 'um or juss one?"

"Est-ce que ça im-porte?" She hiccuped in the middle, Fez blankly looking at her. "It matter?"


"Ugh, les hommes ne me comprennent jamais." She groaned, hiccuping again as she pushed herself away from Fez. "Starve."

"Woah, Ashtray ain't did nothin." Ash said, following after her as she went upstairs. "Why does Ash have to starve?"

"I'll give you a snack."

"What the hell we do now?" Fez asked Ty, who was already dialing Marq's number to get him to come back from shopping early. "Why am I in this? I juss walked in here."

"Because you literally sat there and told her it mattered how many I cut." Ty said, wiping his eyes with a sniffle as he told Marq what happened. "Shoulda stayed quiet."

"Man, got me ova here playin Captain Save a Hoe, ain't no hoe- I'm goin to the kitchen." Fez caught himself before he quoted something else Bambi said (yes, it's TD line from the LHH reunion), slinking into the kitchen.

"She's speaking English again, so I guess that's something." Ash came down a few minutes after Marq came back, looking a little stressed. "But she's still crying."

"Go handle that." Marq said, looking straight at Fez. "Tell her food ready in thirty minutes too."

"Damn lie, it's at least an hour." Ty corrected from his place in front of the stove, Marq shooting him a look. He quite literally sat Ty on a stool and told him he was demoted to stirring duty. "I can talk, don't look at me like that."

Fez turned Ash around when Marq dropped his spoon into the bowl, pushing him towards one of the guest rooms as he made his way upstairs.

"Hey mama."

"Mm." Bambi turned to face her wall, arms crossed and a pout on her face. He awkwardly stood by the door, closing it and looking around. "What do you want? Bring Ash back."

"I'll buy you three more avocados." Fez mumbled, making his way to her. Bambi looked over at him, brows furrowed as he reached down and wiped her tears away. "Too pretty to cry, ma."

"...stop tryna butter me up." She pushed his hand away, Fez grabbing hers and pressing a kiss to the back of it.

Fez took even himself off guard. It's like he became more confident around her.

"'M serious, ma. I'll buy 'em if you stop bein mad at me."

"Can we go now?" She sat up, ignoring how dizzy she got and wiping her face with her sleeve. Fez nodded and she grinned, squeezing him in a hug. "All is forgiven! Let's go!"

"Wai- dammit Bambi!" Fez yelled when he nearly fell down the stairs, Bambi only stopping to grab his keys. "My damn arm!"

"We'll be back!" Bambi yelled before the door slammed closed, Fez still yelling about his arm hurting.

"Hold these!" Bambi shoved the avocados into his arms, startling Fez as she made a beeline to the garden section. He followed after a moment, finding her staring at some pots. "....but what if I wanna grow one in water?"

"Just get 'em." Fez said when he found the two she was staring at, Bambi shaking her head. "Okay, well I want one so get the other."

"No cause you're gonna try and give it to- oh my god you could grow weed in this." She suddenly gasped, picking up a pot and shoving it in his arms.

"Watch out." He mumbled when the avocados almost fell, putting two of them in the pot.

"Okay, you buy those and I'll buy these." She said, holding up a teacup pot, a medium sized brown pot, and a bowl like green one. "Go, what are you waiting for?"

"The punchline of yo joke." Fez said, Bambi rolling her eyes and heading towards the checkout.

"Fez, you're after me." She said when he put their stuff together, Fez popping her hands as the clerk snickered. "This is damn assault."

"Bam, I'm not lettin you pay." He put his arm around her neck, pulling her to his side as the clerk started ringing everything up.

"All this money is burning a hole in my pocket." She grumbled, Fez smiling and pressing a kiss to her cheek. "...I'll find a way."

"Doubt it." He even grabbed the bags before she could, Bambi throwing her hands up in disbelief as she followed him out to his car. "Stop poutin."

"I have money too, y'know."

"Spend it on yo self. Oh wait, that's my job." He sarcastically said, Bambi rolling her eyes. Fez smiled, lifting her chin up and placing a kiss on her lips. "Mhm, anything else you want?"

"Une bi- nope, nothing at all." Bambi whispered, Fez licking his lips before kissing her again. And Marq called her a second after. "Jaune....nous revenons maintenant...d'accord, à bientôt."

While she was talking Fez guided her to the passenger seat, waiting for her to sit before closing the door.

"Food's done, let's go." She said when he closed his door, Fez nodding with a hum as he started his car. "And when we get there I'll give you one of my plants."

"You growin weed?"

"I get inspired."

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