𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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"Snack?" Royce had a large bag of popcorn and a large bottle of juice, Maddy and Kat on either side of him. They nodded, taking some as they waited for the play to start. "I have cups too."

"It was the summer before I started ninth grade. Back when we all thought we'd be friends forever." Lexi started narrating as he poured them drinks, the three of them staying quiet. "There were six of us."

She sat on a chair, the spotlight shining on her as she pretended to get her picture taken.

"There was me, Grace."

A curly haired blonde came on after her, sitting and posing with a smile.

"My sister, Hallie."

Another girl came on, surprisingly looking similar to Maddie.

"Her best friend, Marta."

Royce's eyes bugged out at seeing the next girl, the resemblance between her and Bambi astonishing.

"Our friend, Primrose."

Then a girl who looked like Kat came on.

"Our other friend, Luna."

The last girl came on, having some similarities to Rue. The curly hair, the clothes, somewhat the facial structure.

"And my best friend, Jade." The drums started up again as they changed around the set. People were standing in a line holding letters. "And this is life. Not everyone's life..."

Lexi ran over to the 'O,' a bright smile on her face as she poked her head through it.

"But our life!" Everyone started clapping, the person holding the 'R' dropping it.

"That's fucking cool!"

"Wait...is this fucking play about us?" Maddy asked, looking over at Kat. They continued snacking on the popcorn as the play continued, the lights suddenly going out.

"Primrose was like another older sister to me." The actress that looked like Bambi was shown studying in 'her' room, that also looked like Bambi's. "Except her eyes were always on her books, not on boys."

The crowd laughed at that, Maddy snickering as Kat full on let out a 'ha!'

"She was the kind of person to give anyone a chance. Even Jake." The lights cut out for a moment and then Bambi's actress was shown getting hot and heavy with Ethan, Royce's jaw dropping in disbelief.

"She's gonna be so mad." Maddy laughed, knowing that Bambi hated when people brought up her mistake.

"But Jake never knew how to control himself. He slipped up with Primrose, then Marta. But one thing he never slipped up on was his training and football." They dimmed the lights, quickly changing it into a gym set up for Ethan's part. "He took those seriously. Some might even say too seriously..."


hey, we're not gonna make it.


what's going on?

"What the fuck?" Royce's brows furrowed when Bambi didn't respond, wanting to push her for answers but knowing how she would get. He looked up when 'I Need a Hero' started playing, pushing that to the back of his mind. This might be his favorite part of the play.

"This looks familiar." Maddy laughed out, Royce smiling as he started singing along to the song. When the scene ended he was the first to clap, everyone following after him. "Lexi you're a fuckin G!"

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