Pregnant Bam + Life w/ Kids

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"What a nice way to wake up." Bambi sighed as Fez massaged her legs, rubbing her belly and looking at the TV. "How long was I sleep?"

"Thirty minutes." He didn't even turn to her, eyes trained on the show so he wouldn't get jumpscared. "Feelin better?"

"Yeah, thank you."

"Why are you cryin, mama?" Fez found her laying on the couch, Bambi's hands over her eyes as she quietly let tears run down her face.

"Because I wanna get up and be productive but I literally have no motivation to do that." She wiped at her face, looking up at him. "But I need to be productive."

"You're always productive, baby. You need a break every once in a while, too." Fez sat next to her, pulling her up and into his arms to press kisses to her face. "It's almost twelve and you haven't even napped yet."

"I've been on the couch for three hours."

"How about we go on a walk? I'll even take your wagon." Fez had gotten her a wagon a few weeks ago for their walks because Bambi always grew tired in the middle of them, but she didn't want to stop.


"Come on. The sun will make you feel better." He pulled her up, pecking her lips a few times and leading her to the door. "And then we can bake and watch a movie."

"....thank you."

"Kiss me, lover boy." She puckered her lips when she spotted Fez watching her from the back door, the man making his way over and kissing her.

"Ew, you got pickle juice all over your face." His nose scrunched at the additional moisture, Bambi shrugging and offering him one. "How did you even do that?"

"Don't question me."


he act like I won't be snatched upfezmfsmith

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he act like I won't be snatched up

"Who? They must not value life if they try somethin." Fez was quick to question her when she came back over, Bambi giggling and sitting next to him. "Bam, I would beat someone to death for you."

"Okay, okay, I know." She poked his nose, Fez crossing his eyes and sticking his tongue out. "You're crazy about me."

"You damn right."


"Hm?" Bambi peeked her eyes open, all four of her kids standing in front of her. From the dim lighting of the room, she could see that they were scared of something. "What's wrong?"

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