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"I can't believe I'm doing this." Bambi giggled as Lexi shushed her, the two of them getting ready in the older girl's room for Lexi's prom night.

"Marq said you couldn't go, we have to be quiet." Lexi reminded her, giggling with her either way.

I don't know what made Bambi giddier. Sneaking out after Marq told her she couldn't go somewhere for the first time in her life, or crashing a school dance because her friend's date bailed at the last moment.

"Look out the window and tell me what light you see on in Uncle John's house." She whispered, Lexi rushing over to her window and peeking through the blinds.

"Uh, living room and...porch." Bambi swore under her breath, grabbing Lexi by her shoulders and spinning her around.

"Okay, we have to leave now." She spoke semi-seriously, trying her hardest not to laugh. "His couch faces away from the window, the moment that living room light turns off we're not going anywhere."

"Okay okay, I'm ready." Bambi crawled out her window first, catching their heels before Lexi scaled down the wall. They made a dash across John's yard, being covered by the shadows since Bambi had told Lexi to bring something dark to cover with (Lexi brought a blanket).

"Oh my god this is so fun." Bambi laughed when they made it down the street, Lexi pulling the blanket off of her head with a grin. "Okay, that was the hard part. I've snuck into places with more security than that school."

"You're life is literally a movie." Lexi giggled, Bambi looping her arm around her neck as they continued the far walk to the school (I feel like I have to add this in: they have sneakers on).

"I'll Uber us to Fez's store later and we can walk to your house from there." Bambi said before they parted ways, Lexi going through the entrance. They met at her locker, cackling almost evily as they ditched everything except for their dresses (Lexi already had hers on, Bambi literally changed right there) and their heels.

"Drunk?" Lexi asked when they made it to the punch bowl, the two of them clinking cups with a grin.


"Crashing the party, guess they lost my invitation! Friendly reminder, got my own kind of persuasion!" Bambi shouted as she and Lexi stumbled out of the Uber, the two of them hungry as they decided to enter Fez's store before walking to Lexi's house. "Looks like this place could use a bit of misbehavior, happily ever after with a little flavor."

"Bad to the bone, with even worst intentions." Lexi slurred, only slightly off pitch as they finally made it into the store. "We're gonna steal the show, and leave them all defenseless."

"A fairytale life can be oh-so overrated. So raise your voices and let's get it activated!" Bambi grabbed a random bag of chips, raising them in the air as Lexi clung to her while they swayed. "Long! Live! Havin some fun, we take what we want! There's so many ways to be wicked!"

"With! Us! Evil is on, the right side of wrong. There's so many ways to be wicked!" They bursted into loud laughter as Fez blankly watched them, wondering what the hell they'd done.

"Mister clerk sir, we'll take five of these and I'll have a tall glass of you." Bambi said, practically falling into the counter as Lexi laid all the random things they'd picked up.

"She's allergic to nuts and you hate cheetos." He stated, smelling the alcohol on her breath. "Y'all drunk? Wasn't yo dance today?"

"Oh, we danced." Lexi said, giggling as Bambi stood up and started dancing on her. Fez stood up, putting the snacks away before getting the ones they actually liked.

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