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"Fuck us gettin raided, why the hell are you in the hospital?"

"Who in the hospital?"

"Bambi!" Ash yelled back to Fez, something dropping before he joined his brother in the camera. Bambi frowned, looking at herself in the corner.

"How did you know I was in the hospital? You can only see the pillow and my face." She said, adjusting herself.

"When you moved I saw the gown. What happened to being careful?"

"Man, it's a wild ass story."

(Cue flashback)

"It's been two and a half weeks, five bodies, and we still don't know who's after me." Bambi groaned as she shot the person in the head, Marq looking over at her. "Seven bodies."

"I got a name and place from my person, what'd you get from yours?"

"Hit on." She deadpanned, stepping over the body and making her way to the door. "Buuuut, he switched to Polish in the middle of me castrating him."

"I'm sorry, what? I don't think I heard you correctly." Marq sputtered, blinking rapidly as he looked at his daughter. "You what?"

"Castrated him. Cut his dick off with a hot and dull knife." He winced, shuddering as he shifted uncomfortably. "And there's only one person I know who would work with the Polish."

"Rio." They sighed at the same time, leaving the room so the cleaners could do their jobs.

"I-I'm not risking my fucking dick by getting close to her!" Ambrose and Marq tailed one of their 'members' later that night. "She presented it like a fucking trophy to discourage us! I'm not doing this shit, find someone else."

"You're scared of a little girl?"

"She's the fucking Devil!" Ambrose chose that moment to cut the power, having already dealt with the backup generators. She pulled on her goggles, their small group moving in silence.

They're so organized they could put the military to shame.

No guns yet, just knives so they wouldn't give out their location. Rio's men panicked when the backup generators didn't kick in, turning on flashlights (on their phones) to try and see their attackers.

"She's over here!" Marq yelled from behind a member, rolling out of the way as they shot at him.

"It's not nice to hide from us, Marquis. You know this." Rio darkly said, calmly looking around. He wouldn't be able to see for long since his men were going down one by one. "How's your lovers grandmother, Ambrose?"

"How's your lover? Oh wait, I killed her." Ambrose said as the lights came back on, pulling her knife out of a members chest. She pulled her goggles up, offering him a smile. "To be fair, you shouldn't have sent her to do your job. She had no idea what she was walking in to."

"Zabij ją!" Rio angrily roared, Ambrose cursing as she slid behind some crates when they started shooting. She bit her lip to muffle her cry when she was hit in the leg and stomach, pulling out her own gun and shooting the closest one. "Zabić ich wszystkich!"

Marq groaned when he was shot in his side from up top, getting out of view of the sniper.

"Ils ont un tireur d'élite!" He shouted, Ambrose turning her attention to the catwalk. She made a dash for the ladder, staying covered with the boxes and other objects they had laying around.

There was a fucking shipping container in there. Where the fuck were these guys even at?

"Fuck." Ambrose got pissed when one guy caught her, driving a knife into her side. She turned and punched him in the nose, slamming her gun into his neck and pulling the trigger. She huffed, keeping the knife in her side as she made her way onto the catwalk. The sniper didn't see her, too busy trying to kill off her people.

He couldn't because they were literally faster than he could track (talk about poor training. Rio sucks), but he did manage to get one in the neck.

Ambrose came up behind him, stabbing him in the neck with her own knife before shooting him in the head and catching his gun before it fell. She wasn't a sniper by any means, but she could aim and shoot just fine.

"Wycofać się!" Rio yelled, watching his men fall as Ambrose shot all of them in the head. More were falling because of her people either knifing them to death or shooting them, and Marq was alternating between snapping necks and using his weapons.

"For trying to kill Marie." Ambrose whispered, shooting Rio in the head. Her face was the last thing he saw as he looked up, Ambrose waving at him as he fell back. "Aucun homme ne reste en vie!"

"Oui, m'dame!" Her group called back, finishing everyone off. Marq helped her back down the ladder, catching her when she fell back.

"I'll live, nothing major hit." She breathed when his eyes fell onto the knife she still had in her side. "Gotta keep it there so I won't bleed out."

"They're gonna kill me." He groaned, hoisting her in his arms and carrying her outside as she laughed. Their French family, Ty, Ash and Fez. All of them would give him a piece of their minds.

"Dites au docteur Harvey qu'elle va être occupée ce soir." Bambi said to one of the barely injured ones, the woman nodding and pulling out her phone as she helped the man who was shot in the neck to their van. "Pas de morts de notre côté, cela appelle une fête après que tout le monde aille mieux."

Some of them groaned out a laugh, some of them chuckling as Marq sped off towards the hospital.

(End flashback)

"You cut someone's dick off?"

"That's what you guys are stuck on?" Bambi asked when they stared at her blankly, brows furrowing. "Yeah, he wouldn't talk. Jokes on him, he gave me all the information I needed when he switched to Polish."

"You couldn't like...pull his nails or something?"

"I did. Nails, broken fingers and toes, I even pulled a few teeth." She recalled, looking over when her door opened. Marq climbed into the bed with her, wrapping her in a hug as a large yawn left him. "It was decent, which is why he probably started talking. Too bad I don't speak Polish, right?"

"Man, don't fuck up with her or you'll be like that." Ash said to Fez after sitting in a stunned silence, Fez looking at him like he was crazy. "Aye, I'm juss sayin. You might not get special treatment. She might go straight for the balls."

"I would never." Bambi denied, gasping a little. "Mainly because Fez wouldn't fuck up that bad. That's saved for the backstabbers."

"They get a chance to test the toilet?" Marq mumbled when they didn't speak, Bambi snorting.

"Yeah cause a few hours after we left they got raided. It worked." She said, Marq laughing a bit. Bambi continued talking with the brothers as Marq went to sleep, only stopping when the nurses came in to check on her and finally give Marq his shot since he was sleeping and Bambi was there.

My wife tops your wife. Figuratively and literally because Bambi tops no matter what Fez says.

(Bambi's the person to kill someone for you and I kinda (really) love it)

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