𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 (Ending)

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Today was the day.

Today, Fez was gonna ask Bambi to marry him.

"She is going to love this one." Lexi said, Rue agreeing with her. They'd come along to the mall (cause they have jewelry places there) to help him find the perfect ring, even though they told him he could do it on his own.

"Yeah, that's the one." He mumbled as the jeweler picked it up for them to get a closer look.

It was gold, designed to look like vines wrapping around the thin band towards the gem placed in the center. It had green streaks on the inside of it, reminding them of the leaves in Bambi's garden.

"I'll take it." Fez mumbled, going over to tell the jeweler his information (never been ring shopping, but I'd assume he's telling her the size of the ring he needed).

"Ring? Check. What's next?" Rue asked as they left the shop, Fez looking down at his phone. He'd been planning this for the past few weeks, wanting this to be a memorable day Bambi could fondly look back on.

"Pick up the flowers from her favorite shop."

Bambi was a 'spout off weird facts about myself at random times' type of person. They were in her garden one day and she just went 'I'm gonna tell you my favorite florist and why' and he listened.

"Matt says they're heading to the movies now." Lexi said when her phone dinged, the three of them ducking into a random shop. A few seconds later, Bambi and Matt walked by laughing about something.

"That's what her dumb ass get too. Smacked right into the door." Bambi said before they laughed again, the two of them walking away.

"We've got two hours to make this work. You get the flowers, we'll go back and set up." Rue stated, the three of them parting ways.

"Hey- why are you crying?" Fez opened the house door (they're at Bambi's house) only to be greeted with Bambi and Matt crying.

"Because the stupid ass movie killed off my boy Steve for no fuckin reason." She cried, Matt nodding along. "I fucking hate it here."

"Uh, Matt?" Fez mumbled as he hugged Bambi, nodding off to the side. Matt understood immediately, wiping his face before disappearing to the kitchen. "You wanna go chill in the garden?"

"Yeah, seeing my babies makes me happy." Bambi sighed, wiping her face as he led her through the backdoor. Her jaw dropped at the decorations set up, fairy lights making a pathway for her. She saw Ty, Marq, Maddy, Royce, Ash, Rue, and Lexi with their phones out. "What's going on? Is this a fancy way to disown me?"

"Chile, walk forward dammit." Ty whispered, waving her on. Bambi walked towards the table, lightly touching one of the many flowers covering it.

"No, wait because if I turn around I'm gonna cry please wait." She said when Fez's hands left her, knowing what was happening. "Aw, I'm gonna cry."

"You want me to talk to your back?" Fez teased, taking her hand and pulling her to face him. Bambi had the biggest pout on her face, trying to stop herself from crying again. "I'll give you a moment."

"Oh my god you're so sweet." Her voice barely raised above a whisper, Fez smiling softly as he rubbed his thumb across her knuckles. "Okay, but ignore me if I start crying."

(Pretend his speech is in French)

"Bambi, you have been a big part of my life since we met. My days started and ended with you, and I want that for the rest of my life. I want all the cooking together, watching movies and relaxing, the crying and arguing. Because I know that in the end, I still have you." He pressed a kiss to her hand as she covered her mouth with the other one, tears streaming down her face. "And we may go through rough patches on the way, at least we'll get through them together. My world is not whole without you in it, so. Ambrose, will you marry me?"

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