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"Why are you here, Andrew?"

"It's Cal."

"Pablo." Ty blandly said, the three men (Marq's there) sitting at the table. Cal tapped his leg, eyes darting between the two of them.

"I need to talk to Bambi."

"Why would I let your child lovin ass anywhere near my baby?" Ty crossed arms, Marq silently watching. "Because your son got fucked up?"

"Did she record the fight?" Ty knew Bambi managed to get some part of it, she sent it to him once she'd gotten home.

"No, she didn't." Ty crossed his arms, quirking a brow before catching a glimpse of Bambi coming down the stairs. "Why?"

"Is she here or-" He was cut off by the gun pressing against his head, slowly turning his head and meeting Bambi's uninterested gaze.

Cal's a fucking weirdo. He was getting turned on, checking her out and everything as she literally held a gun to his head.

I hope I'm not weird cause I would've done the same.

"Ah hell naw, he mental." Ty said when he notices Cal trailing his eyes over Bambi's figure, the teen scoffing and pushing the gun into his head more.

"You really have a death wish, huh?" She mumbled, the gun cocking bringing him out of his thoughts.

"I just wanted to talk."

"I don't even know how you made it on this street, but don't come back." She said, grabbing his collar and roughly yanking him out of the chair. Marq stood up, his own gun in hand as he took over. "Have a shitty day, bitch."

"That whole family is fucked in the head. Except Aaron." Ty sighed, Bambi nodding as she tucked her gun away. "And you're leaving the house...where?"

"To go and pick up cousin Royce from the airport." Ty nodded, remembering the conversation Marq and Bambi had with him.

"Oh, how I have missed you, petit." Royce cheered as he hugged Bambi tightly, spinning around as the people in the airport gawked at them. "You didn't visit me."

"I was busy, sorry." She mumbled in embarrassment, taking one of his bags and passing another to John. "And I'm older than you."

"Few months, so what?" Royce said with a grin, patting her back as they made their way to John's car. "Will you pick me up from school as well?"

"Nope, you can walk." She replied, laughing when he scowled. "I have things to do, I'm not rotting in the house all day anymore."

"Yeah, she's got a boyfriend now." John grumbled, Royce raising a brow and looking at Bambi when she stayed quiet.

"Really? Well, I would love to meet him."

"Later. We can go to the park when you're rested, maybe stop by his store."

Royce joining the school would be the best thing to ever happen to Maddy. Especially since she was slowly getting over Nate.

"Put me down!"

"Where is this male friend you spoke of?" Royce ignored Bambi's flails, holding her above his head as he entered the store. His eyes fell on Ash, who was watching the scene in amusement. "I did not take you for a cougar."

"What? No, that's his brother idiot!" She shouted, Royce spinning around to look for Fez. "Put me down!"

"Are you lying? I see no one else." He marched up to Ash, looking down at him. "You. Where is this brother of yours?"

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