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"Why the fuck am I here?" The question came out harsher than what she intended, but Bambi couldn't care less. Cassie just sat here and told them that she'd cheated on Chris, someone Bambi thought of as an older brother.

(Rue's on her whole 'Pope Rue' shit, so she might not pop in as frequently)

"Because I want to tell him." Cassie's tone was pleading, looking at her from across the table. Bambi was sat between Kat and Lexi, the two of them grabbing her hands when her leg started shaking.

"You want to tell McKay that you made out with Daniel at the carnival and on Halloween?" Maddy asked to clarify, Cassie looking down at the table when Bambi jutted a brow.

"This is some sick joke, right? It's not funny."

"But I don't...I don't have to say it was Daniel." Cassie's voice got quieter once she started speaking, wishing she could take the words back when Bambi sharply inhaled.

"Bitch, that's the craziest idea I've ever heard." Maddy scoffed, looking around the table. "Right?"

"For sure." BB aggreed.

"So you cheated on my brother." Bambi stated, her face blank as Cassie flinched a little. "Are you fucking serious?"

"Yeah, but I wanna be honest with him and tell him what happened so he understands."

"Understands what, Cassie!? That you were too fucking horny to stay loyal to one fucking person?!" Bambi exploded, shooting out of her seat. She ignored Kat and Lexi trying to tug her back down, ignored Maddy trying to calm her down as she glared right at the blonde. (We all know BB lives for the drama)

"Bambi, just give her a moment." Maddy said, making sure she was in between them but also not too close in case Bambi decided to swing. "You cannot tell McKay."

"Oh, it's either you tell him or I will." Bambi snapped, Kat tugging her back into her seat. Her nose flared, trying to wrestle her hands free and speak English so she could get her words across. "This is so fucked up."

"But it's not like I cheated cheated." It went quiet, everyone looking at her like she was the dumbest person in the room. (And is tf 🙄)

"Kissing is worse." Maddy said as she shook her head. "It's so much more intimate. And if anybody brings it up, deny deny deny."

"That's still cheating! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Bambi snapped, not knowing if she was going to actually Ambrose snap or Bambi snap. (Ambrose snapping is worse)

"Okay, but I just don't want there to be something this bad between us forever." Cassie whined, Kat snickering as she rolled her eyes.

"I wouldn't worry about it. It's not like you guys are gonna be together forever." She said outloud, Bambi turning to her and nodding rapidly. Maddy scoffed.

"Kat, what the fuck is your problem? You're being a bad friend now. You were a bad friend to me, and this whole new personality is seriously unlikeable." She snapped, Kat and Bambi blinking at each other.

"I could tell you what's unlikeable, but you ain't gon' like it." Bambi said after a moment.

"Why? Because I won't sit and listen to you bitch and moan about your psychotic, abusive boyfriend who you've literally broken up with a thousand times?" Kat bit back, Bambi's mouth dropping open before she started laughing.

"I'm sorry, it's not funny." She said when they looked at her, Kat smirking at Maddy's hurt look.

"It was literally the lowest point in my life, so yeah." She angrily snapped back, glaring at her. "That and the fact that you're just fucking mean."

"Maddy, ever since I've met you, all you talk about is yourself. Your clothes, your boyfriends, whatever superficial shit you think is soooo fucking important." Kat sat back in her chair, now gripping Bambi's hand for comfort as she got everything off her chest. "Sorry I'm no longer interested."

"I don't know about everyone else, but I kiss the old Kat." Maddy said, trying to dig deep. "You know, the one who had a sense of humor and wasn't a fucking cunt?"

"Oh, and what's the fucking joke? Cassie cheating on my fucking brother? You telling her she shouldn't tell him and to just deny it? You wanna hear a fucking joke?" Bambi snapped, Maddy going quiet and looking away from her. She huffed, pulling Kat up and pressing a kiss to Lexi's cheek. "Didn't think so. We're out of here."

"Can I come?" Lexi asked, cringing at the awkwardness that spread over as the two girls avoided looking in Bambi's direction.

"Why must every family be shit except for one beautiful angel?" Bambi rhetorically asked, grabbing Lexi's hand and leading them outside.

"Ew, I forgot Ty dropped us off." Kat groaned when they started walking down the street, Bambi laughing as she swung their hands. She was in the middle of them.

"You guys wanna stop by the store? Snacks on me?"

"On you or Fez?" Lexi teasingly asked, nudging her playfully. She'd been to the store with Bambi a few times, enough to realize that Fez was persistent with not letting her pay a dime.

"On me becuase he's accepting my money." Bambi stubbornly declared, marching her way into the store. "Here, call Ro and tell him y'all spendin the night."

They spilt up, Kat and Lexi giggling as she made her way to the counter to talk to Fez, the two of them calling Ty. Fez didn't even look up when she stood in front of him, the only sign that he knew she was there was the little smile coming across his face.

"You not payin."

"I got two people wimme." He shrugged as he picked his head up to look at her, his smile getting bigger. "Stop cheesin at me, let me pay for this stuff."

"Nope." He tugged her closer by her shirt, sliding his arms around her waist and tucking his hands into her back pockets. He'd rather have skin on skin contact with her, but this'll have to do. He laid his head on her chest, giggling a bit when her boobs sat on his head. "Let's talk about sex, ba-by. Let's talk about you-and-me."

"You're so funny." Bambi dryly said, knowing that he was purposely blocking her from paying by hugging her. But she sighed and hugged him back when he squeezed her with a grunt, rolling her eyes when she heard Lexi and Kat laughing. "I'm still paying."

"In hugs and kisses?" Kat poked, Bambi sticking her tongue out at them. "How much for this?"

"Onna house." Fez mumbled, barely peeking his eyes open to see what they'd gotten. "Juss leave Bam."


"No way y'all are actual- ASH! ASH, COME HERE!" Bambi yelled when Kat and Lexi went to leave, the girls laughing as Ash came into the store from the cooler.


"I'm tryna pay is what's up." She blandly stated, Ash blinking slowly at her.

"Why?" His nose scrunched, Bambi groaning as Fez laughed.

"If y'all let me drop money right now and keep it, I won't say anything about paying again. Scouts honor." She said, Fez looking at Ash as they thought about it.

(Me and Bambi are not scouts not have we ever been)

"Aight, a dollar." Fez said as he let go of her, Bambi grinning when Ty beeped the horn outside. She took out the roll of money in her pocket, dropping it in his hands before taking off with Kat and Lexi right behind her.

"Drive drive drive!" Bambi yelled as she jumped into the car through the window, Kat and Lexi sliding into the backseat just as the brothers ran outside.

"I said a dollar! Fuck is this!" Fez yelled as he held it up, Bambi blowing him a kiss out the window. "She planned this shit."

"Smart as hell. Walked right into that." Ash grumbled, kicking at the ground before they went back into the store.

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